Short Answer: Yes.
Short Answer: Yes.
pssst ... a girl would also be a "spare heir," or more properly, a "spare." England changed their succession laws, so even if Prince George had been Princess Georgina, she still would have inherited the throne ahead of any subsequent male issue.
I guess no one is chastising that kid with the old, "well, don't you just think your God's gift to this Earth?" anytime soon.
The Ros character is a 'prop.' In every sense of the word that you can apply it to her character. She doesn't even exist in the books, as in she isn't even a named character. She is merely refereed to as a whore at an inn by Winterfell.
2140? What the fuck kind of score is that? I don't even understand what that number means. Back in the stone-age, when I took the SAT, the max score was 1600.
The caption below the photo reads "Exhibit A: Proof she was asking for it, your honor."
Soo, you read Reddit yesterday too, huh?
The officer involved, Stephen Stem, was involved in another fatal shooting in early 2013.
Yeah, ummm, I don't really think that Ms. Zhukova's sitting in a chair during a photoshoot and Mr. Sterling's comments are really on par with one another.
I dunno — it seems to me to be pretty fairly balanced, with each possessing something that the other desires.
I feel so blessed that (according to this map, anyway) I was raised in, and then transplanted to, zones which appear to be "Bro-Free."
True. But those people exist. God, how I hate them.
Yes, is is the country's problem. Not her problem, caused by her unique circumstances, and her own bad decisions.
You've successfully established that AZ cut their child care budgets, what you have failed to establish is that Ms. Taylor has hers cut. Until that has been established, your point regarding cuts in benefits — which usually occur for those at the top end of the income limit— is wholly irrelevant to this discussion of…
I'm not sure it is fair to say that someone is "connecting with" another when they have hostile feelings about them. That is sort of the opposite of a connection.
I'm going to take 'Cultural Norms' for $2000, Alex.
Nitpick: Why on earth is sangria considered to be 'soft stuff?' Sangria (well made Sangria, that is) is wine mixed with hard alcohol! It is like steroid-wine. Hardly 'soft-stuff' if you're doing it right.
And for someone to be proud that they have such strong manipulation skills makes me want to throw up.
Um, no. I'm not sure what her tax liability would be in California. As she isn't a resident, I don't think it is any, but I'm not sure on that.
No worries though, because it'll only cost $30 to register, plus county fees. So, maybe $70 total?