@p51d007: Actually they probably wouldn't think twice about it. The death penalty isn't much of a deterrent. Someone that is off balance enough to kill another isn't likely to conceive of the consequences at the time of the killing.
@p51d007: Actually they probably wouldn't think twice about it. The death penalty isn't much of a deterrent. Someone that is off balance enough to kill another isn't likely to conceive of the consequences at the time of the killing.
@National Sarcasm Society: That may the worst thing I've seen on the internet this week, and I've seen a lot of bad shit.
I don't mind George fighting for words he actually invented, but I do get upset when he is able to copyright words that have been around for a century and a half (ie. droid)
If I were to buy a pad computer, I would wait to see what HP does with WebOS.
@Gary_7vn: It's a one way valve. Squeeze the valve and the water drains.
@wezelboy: You weren't doing it right. If you get the right rhythm going you hardly have to move at all. Sex on a waterbed is great.
@badasscat: I experienced all this plus had to move 4 times in 3 years. Talk about a beating.
@acidrain69: 2400 bps? That was unheard of when I was running my BBS back in the day. I started it with my trusted Atari 1030 running at 300 bps, and eventually upgraded to a Hayes 1200 bps modem (that thing screamed!)
@2nd White Line: Mix the green and red
Does California not have cameras at intersections for red light violators?
I can only imagine the nosedive HP stock would have taken had they made the investigation public. Not everything has to or needs to be made public, even in a public company.
@DoubtedBeef: Yoooooooooooooouuuuuuuu!!!
Most people don't get to be CEOs of a F500 company by being a sweetheart. I don't like it either, but it's a fact of life.
@Future Retro: Keep in mind they were all hand drawn and painted directly onto film in the originals. It was very labor intensive. With computers doing all the work in the prequels they were a lot easier to add into the story.
What a nightmare.
Clearing your conscious before you start your jail sentence?
Another program run by a bunch of bible thumping nimrods trying to hold back the tide. There is nothing wrong with preaching abstinence, but you also have to teach safe sex at the same time. The kids are going to make their own choices and it's best to get them as fully prepared as possible.
@p8ball4life: No doubt a few thousand years ago someone scrawled on a cave wall: "She eats the damn apple"
@Fuzzy Logic: 100% agree. Billy Mays was the only reason I watched the show. I don't plan on watching any more episodes.
At "first" I wasn't "interested" in this "article" but the "strategic" use of "quotes" has "peaked" "my" "interest."