
@iTofu 3GS has no reception problems: Even the bestest phone in the whole wide world is useless if you're in an area where the coverage sucks. If you are issued one then there's no hope for you unfortunately. For the rest that voluntarily get a phone with less than stellar service then turn around and bitch about said

@techynottreky: I've been with Sprint for over a decade and have never felt about them the way I read people feel about AT&T. If it ever got that bad I would just switch and then be happy.

@PrinceLUDA21: Company's do share towers, that what "roaming" is.

@xleo21: Hmmm. I thought the point of having a cell phone was to make calls. What's the point if it doesn't do that reliably?

@vsound: So do you know his cousin or what? Don't leave us hanging!

How about instead of constantly bitching about AT&T, switch to another carrier? It's not like there aren't options.

@Go Vols!: The sale was only voted on June 25th. They haven't own Palm for "months". More like a few weeks.

@mecha2142: Same way with phones. Palm COMPLETELY fucked up their marketing when they could have taken a nice chuck of the smartphone business.

@Google: Privacy is Job 1: I think he's referring to Steve's quote: "If you need a stylus, you blew it." or somesuch.

@CaptainJack: I'm one of the biggest Apple haters here and I don't have a problem with them calling previous versions iOS.

@Yahweh Took My Prepuce: That is indeed the Pre. I've had mine since launch and will not give it up. I'm trying to talk my wife into getting the Evo so we'll have one in the house, but I'm not trading my Pre.

I guessed right! 20 years in the signs and graphics biz will give one an edge ;)

@MercerCh00x: If they admit they made a mistake they would have to redesign the phone AGAIN. They are most likely trying to avoid that.

@loriensleafs2.0: The only issue here is that Apple tried to get cute with their "superior engineering" and put the antenna on the out side. That gap practically screams "Do NOT touch here" so of course people do. It's a flawed design and a perfect example of form over function. Jobs is trying to spin it like any good

@HotButteredToast: Ya, I don't understand why this has taken so long to get to Android. You would think the developers of T-Pain's app would have released an app like this long ago.

@SparklyJesus: Silly boy. Everyone knows the HIV started by those crazy Africans fucking monkeys. Instead of sending water and corn we should have sent sheep and goats.

@JohnnyricoMC: I hope you don't diagnose hardware problems for a living.

@Covenant: That is the MAIN reason I'm getting the Kinect. I don't care if they come out with any good games or not, I can't wait to get all MR up in here!