
Um… thought it was a pretty obvious joke; didn't bother explaining it as such.
Sorry, guess you can never underestimate the room.

Well, for all intensive purposes, they are the same thing, aren't they?!

Who are from Colombia, not Columbia.

Lo siento, but indeed no- No character (or personality at all!); no sense of humor (or fun!); devoid of lust (which is an absolute necessity to sell it!)…
Sadly exactly what was expected: sanitized & lacking in spirit, weirdness & all the essential outsider-ness that made "Rocky Horror" all it was (& still is!).

Okay, I'll say it again, like I always do when The Chili Peppers are invoked:
Cannot believe these douchebags are where they are & the far-more-talented, far-more-funky, far-more-everything band Fishbone is where they are.
(I don't wanna' say it's that the Chili Peppers are far-more-white, but it certainly does beg the

According to their FOTC website, Arj Barker will be gracin' the stage in Philly…

Loved this show as well as this series of AV Club articles, but between this, "Terriers", & some others shows featured, sometimes it's sadly like reopening old wounds…

Prince is dead…
Long live the Funk.

I'm not usually "that guy" who sez "I am shocked this or that wasn't included & yer list is now invalid as a consequence!" because I fully realize these lists are subjective by their very nature & each person's mileage may vary according to their personal tastes (no matter how wrong they may be!) but the dearth of

Thanks for the encouragement, both of the movie & my participation thereof! From your post to some smart (or at least influential movie executive's ear).
Enjoy the day, my friend…

Yeah, I got the call because I had a few small press comix out. It was pretty keen that they asked real-life folks in the biz to be a part of the experience. Lots o' fun indeed!

Just need to share this-

Now here's a little story I'd like to tell (stop reading if adverse to only tangentially-connected comments): I'm a schoolteacher who was desperately seeking an old-timey comic book spinner rack (y'know the ones that used to be in every 7-11, Krauszer's, etc., that said "Hey Kids- Comics!"…) for my new art studio.

True that Fishbone had their share of difficulties (or more than some would say) & Chili Peppers aimed for more poppy markets, but that being said & agreed upon, even before that (& especially before all that), RHCP gained much more attention than Norwood & the boys & many would argue because they were a white funk

They were truly a force to be reckoned with & a sight to behold…
Probably just behind Prince as best live shows ever!

Indeed Fishbone didn't help themselves at all with the latter descent into harder rock miasma & bandmember, let's say, strife to be polite, but gosh they were the ever-lovin' best in their heyday indeed! Saw 'em live oh-so-many times, never failed to disappoint or more to the point, inspire- Angelo hangin' from the

Fishbone was always the far superior band & deserved a hunnert times the success of the barely-tepid Chili Peppers. Not sayin' it's a black thing, but one could certainly see that bein' a factor…

Altho' it might be way more exciting if Mr. Wittels was involved after he died…

As the person who I believe brought this story to your attention (evidenced by the link to Comics Alliance that I had sent to you this morn), I am somewhat disappointed by the direction of this article.
When my lovely bride & i watched the episode, we were both very bereft (perhaps to strong a word? We were indeed in

¡Muchas gracias!
Almost slept on this one.
Love me some Blackalicious!
Delightful way to start my funky-ass day.