
Absolutely dig John Oliver the most, but my lovely bride & I were very disappointed indeed that he chose to buy so much of this idiot huckster's product. To allow him so much profit for what was essentially a sight gag we think is a rare misstep for Mr. Oliver. The piece would've worked just as well without the

I dig Mr. Hawley's stuff the most, & truly wish him luck & happiness in his chosen endeavours, but with this newness being announced, I am concerned that we will never see his adaptation of Vonnegut's "Cat's Cradle", which saddens me because he's one of the few folks that could really do Mr. Vonnegut justice.

Not to be that guy, but sheesh, man, it was Wednesday, not Tuesday…

Well played, my friend…

Html: place < spoiler > before text to be hidden & < /spoiler > after (with no spaces obv.) & volia! …
Hope that helps.

But doesn't the show now have to be re-titled "The Bad Place" ?!

¡Muchas gracias!

Just need to share this-
I had the extraordinary pleasure of being an extra on the set of "Bored to Death" when they did the comic convention episode ("Super Ray Is Mortal!"). They had cosplayers, actual comix artists & other authentic convention-type folk. It was a great deal of fun in a warehouse in Brooklyn for a

Now here's a little story I'd like to tell (stop reading if adverse to only tangentially-connected comments): I'm a schoolteacher who was desperately seeking an old-timey comic book spinner rack (y'know the ones that used to be in every 7-11, Krauszer's, etc., that said "Hey Kids- Comics!"…) for my new art studio.


Thanks, but that seems like the song played after- I'm talkin' the rap song before that.
Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Okay, A.V. clubbers, don't let a boy down…
Need to know the rap tune that plays as Gerry's gettin' ready for his abduction, lookin' in the mirror, packin', etc. Tried to Soundhound it to no avail & can't find nothin' on all the tubes of the Interweb.
Anyone know this song?! My lovely bride & I really dug it & wanna'

Indeed. Nice elaboration of my sentiment- exactly how I feel as well.

Boy oh boy, I dig these flicks the most.
"Ocean's 11" is simply my favorite movie of all time, just hits my sweet spot for all the reasons enumerated above.
Love the whole trilogy in fact, warts & all. Just great film-making all around.
Thanks for the impetus to watch 'em all again over the holidaze!

What a delightful gentleman Bill Nighy is! Listen:
Mr. Nighy is one of my lovely bride's favorites (me as well) & had the utter pleasure of seeing him on Broadway in "Skylight". Afterwards, finagled our way backstage just to shake the man's hand & he hung with us in the green room for over 15 minutes. We were so taken

Thanks- I think I'll watch this one if I won't be too lost & see what Ollie's up to (I've always been partial to the comix, but found the show too dark & the lead kinda' goofy-glum)…

As a regular "Flash"/"Legends" viewer but not "Arrow", is this ep. essential to the crossover or can I skip without being lost per se; & having not watched "Arrow" before, will I still enjoy it, & understand who's who & what's what in the so-called "Arrow-verse"?
¡Muchas gracias!

I know I'm late to the party; been catchin' up on the elliptical & enjoyin' the show's guilty pleasures. Whilst I can suspend disbelief on the governmental & administrative nonsense, I really cannot abide by Maggie Q's incredibly ridiculous form when she is hitting the body bag. As an agent & someone who we are obv.