
Sigh. So sad- love me some Peter Krause, absolutely abhor all of the Rhimes pap….

Dave has meant so much to me over the years. I know it sounds cliched, but I literally grew up with him & Paul & Biff & the guy under the seats & Tony "Inky" Mendez (would love if he came back to hold one last cue card) & all the rest of the cast & crew.
Dave started just as I entered the dark mysterious (& downright

Yeah, I know the story… "Inky" was definitely not playin' a character whilst on air, & I certainly don't blame Dave nor anyone else (except perhaps Señor Mendez his own self), but gosh, a monkeyboy can dream, can't he?!

Dave has meant so much to me over the years. I know it sounds cliched, but I literally grew up with him & Paul & Biff & the guy under the seats & Tony "Inky" Mendez (would love if he came back to hold one last cue card) & all the rest of the cast & crew.
Dave started just as I entered the dark mysterious (& downright

Not too bad. Good for mainstream stuff but lacking in deep cuts (D-Man, anyone?)…
but gosh, comix are a visual medium- there should be lots more images & graphics (e.g., Luke Cage only has modern appearance- where's the yellow silk & silver tiara?!)

"Love & Pride"- King

No freakin' Spider-Man?!
With great power, comes great Underoos…
What a shonda indeed!

I may be wrong here, but I think Phil decided on the costumes for the kids based upon what he himself thought was "awesome" (hence him introducing Alex as Tess so enthusiastically then later being so excited when Claire was in the costume) & not that Alex has some love for that late 80's masterwork (vacuuming in her

Couldn't agree… less. Saw this flick in preview & was surprised & delighted by how much I enjoyed it. The so-called mystery & even the plot its own self were entirely secondary to what I thought were very funny characters saying very funny things (above & beyond any shock humor). Not a classic per se, but I would bet

It's pure Kryptonite to my musical tastes that you included such hip hop crap & didn't even mention Public Enemy's "Superman's Black In The Building", which is a really great groove. A diamond that Chuck D created out of the coal of their later work indeed. Peep it here: