
Go tend to your cats, freak.

I once tried Hemp milk. Never again. I would use the oil though and I love smoking hash so you know. It’s all good.

Do you work for Blistex or its parent company? You must.

We need to get some laws passed against Blistex so it becomes illegal to sell. Possession should still be legal for a while because there are so many people out there hopelessly addicted.

We need to get Blistex outlawed and made illegal.

Chicagoan here.

I guess. I don’t think we should outlaw Blistex or anything. I wouldn’t be against outlawing it but I wouldn’t get the ball rolling on something like that.

Blistex should be illegal.

Girl. You gotta get some.

I thought you says your lips was dry? Am... am I making that up? Because there is no way your lips is dry if you have Bag Balm. I been played again. Damn this world and everything in it.

NOW we talkin’!

Well shit girl I wish you would have told me that. Get up on out and get yourself some Bag Balm. They put that shit on cow udders and it is truly a joyous kind of moisturizer. It’s like a better version of Vaseline and honey baby I am telling you that it is going to change your world. It’s a great product and it comes

Back off, honey. Do not talk to me like you know me. You don’t.

I guess. Many of the conversations I have had about this are with people who use Blistex and then I tell them my horror story and they stop using it, but not everyone is not the same I guess. To each her own.

No I did not read the article. That’s why I’m commenting down here... instead of reading up there... Seriously?

I swear to God, girl. Swear to God. Me too.

Maybe being from a state with only white people and no major cities? AKA the middle of nowhere?

Please explain, honey, how Hillary is a “corporatist.”

Hillary and her staff are too cunning for him. Everyone is expecting Bernie to do well and Hillary to be her usual smart self, expecting both to stay away from direct confrontation. Not me.

Straight White Men should really stop talking.