
First of all the quote you’re upset about is actually a misquote that probably happened by accident. Kaluuya didn’t say, “Some things are universal, everything ain’t,” or anything like it. Jackson said that and then somehow Yesha Callahan stuck the two quotes together.

He was speaking in a general sense but some African Americans do think they have some copyright on blackness. My sophomore year at Howard, this girl asked me if I was black. I’m West Indian and way darker than she was. It confused the hell out of me. Because some people use Black and African American interchangeably,

So if the victim is technically an adult, what’s the problem here?


Bingo. Whenever I see people blocking traffic, I think about the pregnant woman on her way to the hospital, or the child who’s just had a terrible accident and is at risk of dying if he/she doesn’t reach the hospital on time.

“Stacy Soccermom is going to be late picking up little Braden and Kayla.”

My female friend/coworker, who earns 2x the money of an average American man, was talking about taking the day off. Boxing all women as a label is disgusting. Women who are driven and have made their place in the world shouldn’t accept the label of “oppressed”.

Fun fact: in 155/160 of the largest US cities, childless women earn MORE than men.

Terrific. See ya later. I’ve been looking for an excuse to bring the waitress by the house anyways. She’s not going anywhere because she’s not feminist and she enjoys mens’ company and isn’t afraid to say it. We’ll have lots of fun while you’re hanging out with your lesbian man-bashing friends. The kids will be at

Maybe in some future version of this some of the women can have events in parks to feed some of the kids who rely on school lunch as a good part of their nutrition. Our schools will be open here, but if they weren’t, the girl who lives upstairs from me might not get lunch.

You have to figure if the left can’t make it to polls on Election Day to prevent Trump from winning, then they probably can’t make it out for even less important things, like symbolic strikes for women with no real purpose but to make said women feel good about women or whatever the message is. You’re utterly losing

Strikes require massive infrastructure in order to ensure participation. There is no formula for a workable strike that is made up of privileged pockets of engagement from those wealthy enough to sacrifice. The sacrifice of the wealthy needs to be ongoing. They need to ensure the poor women who skip work have a

If I remember the psychological analysis of this story, the Beast represents the heroine’s sexual desires, which at first terrify her. When she learns to accept and enjoy sexual passion, the Beast symbolically transforms into a Prince. So basically, not about a creepy kidnapper, but about a young woman learning to

So, people voluntarily segregate where they live but it’s a problem when it comes to schools??

Actually, that’s not exactly true. We spend a ton of money on education- almost as high as Switzerland.

Humans have sex and sex involves been attracted to naked bodies as well as your naked body being viewed and found attractive by others.

Right. Nobody more capable of subduing male instinct than the Marine Corps.

Congrats lady. Your husbands murderer will prob go to jail, and now you will too. Meanwhile, that kid is double fucked for life.

“Black people need this film...” No we don’t!! It fits your agenda, fine. But don’t project that Hollywood hustle on us.

Be honest, is anyone surprised by this? Anyone at all have the tiniest inkling of anything that might qualify as shock and/or disbelief?