
Your “ethnicity” is obviously irrelevant to your racist imperialistic attitudes.

You could conduct business where it is appropriate to do so...or be an asshole. Your choice always.

See....that is your misogyny talking. No one is “protesting” their “subordination” in this situation but some racist, imperialistic whites.

Korean women do not need your racist “help”. The very fact you think you have a right to ride in and “save” them is offensive and degrading. Also, you’re an asshole for mis-labeling hostesses as whores.

It’s not a good feeling when these opportunities to virtue signal are co-opted.

More boys are diagnosed with neurological developmental delays than girls. This is partly due to our society’s current misandry.

I’m more sympathetic to her now as she at least tries to live up to the “for better or worse” she promised.

Good. Hopefully she is also re-committing to meeting her husbands sexual needs in a better, less public way.

As a D.C. Resident I can say this is typical. Everyone else in any US city would have called in the Feds ages ago on the suspicion that trafficking might be involved. But not D.C.....nooooo.....they are always the banana republic afraid to ask for help because it might show they’re completely incompetent to run

You are so needlessly misguided. If someone gives you something for free, their standards are the controlling ones. Not yours.

You’re right, if you pay thru the nose for the seat, you can dress like a homeless person if you want. If it’s free, you dress how the piper calls.

It doesn’t take more time to put on nice clothes than it does sloppy ones. It’s pretty dang family friendly imho to let your dang kids fly free! Heck, my employer doesn’t let me give services to my family for free! Entitled millennials gonna be entitled, I guess.

No, but it has a code of society that places women and men in relation to each other, namely women serve men. You may not like it, but it’s about 10,000 years older than progressive feminism.

I hold up the mirror, your reflection is yours. You may wish is was “fakery”, but sadly, it’s just you staring back at yourself.

Anyone can be a racist. The color of your skin is not where demeaning attitudes towards other people are located. I know what I know through lived experience. You view the world with a white savior progressive colonialist attitude. So there is that.

You are a racist for assuming Korean women NEED or even WANT your stupid white kight/white savior cultural bullshit. I assume you don’t get out much, much less have ever travelled abroad. Once again, and try to keep up, genius, these are NOT brothels and NOT strip clubs.

Korean culture has much more to do with Chinese Confucianism than Western Colonialism.

Americans in Korea. Appropriately following the customs of the hosts. Your attitude is quite racist.

You are wrong about that history. Welfare recipients have always been shamed, whatever their melanin. I think your racism may be interfering with your perception.

An attitude that it did not have back in say the 1930s when the face of poor people was white.