
i think de Vinci is supposed to have been a dick. Caravaggio was a pimp & killed a rival. Yes horrible people can be great artists. Not sure what we do about it.

Picasso was a noted misogynist and Ezra Pound was a vocal supporter of Hitler. Despite the supposed conjecture that art is supposed to serve the purpose of humanist uplift, society loses when they look towards artists as moral figures.

i’ve no identify crisis, and nether does Racheal (according to her). But we all mock her. Irony? We applaud Caitlynn Jenner but we mock Rachel Doleza? What am I missing here?

still scratching my head at how people can identify as a different gender but can not identify as a different race.

I’ve said it many times, the man is incredibly talented but that doesn’t make him any less of a crazy schmuck. Talented doesn’t mean a good person. Read up on the stuff Hitchcock did to the people around him and you’ll never look at him the same way. Kubrick basically tortured Shelley Duvall for The Shining. She was

He does well with war movies. I know, a lot has been written about him and his lurid fetish for blood and gore in such projects but that’s a theme in his work. Masculine honor and bravery in war. Also, as far as his projects as a Christian director he produces superior work to the drek “christian” studios put out. And

This is an eternal debate... can you be evil or bad and still create great art? Can the art and the person be seperated? I’m not sure if Mel has ever created great art... but this is a thing... e.g.: roman polanski, woody Allen, Casey affleck.... we can’t really know about artists in the past... I mean what about

I don’t think Trump cares what any of them are wearing.

Don’t let logic get in the way of OP’s anti-white fan fiction.

Anyone can be the victim of random violence. Hell its more likely she was killed for being black than trans.

I’ve been coming on this website for many years. and I’m going to throw myself in the arena. When i hear the word Transgender it really ticks me off. You were born either a male or a female. so this guy was shot, (I say guy because he was born a guy not a gal.) It is sad that the person got shot but let’s be honest.

In New Orleans east? Probably not.

She could have owed someone money? Or a million other things. People get murdered for a lot of reasons. It’s important to know the motive because it affects the punishment the murderer receives. Hopefully, they’ll be caught. 😔

Not necessarily. This town is pretty cool with trans people. What we’ve got is a crazy gun situation. Lots of bystander victims. Yesterday a totally random dude was standing on the neutral ground at Napolean and St Charles ave, and suddenly found himself on the ground bleeding from a gunshot wound in his side that

A senseless murder, yes.

Was she killed because she was trans or for another reason because unless she was killed because she was trans saying she was the fifth trans person killed this year doesn’t mean anything.

Yeah, I know how to use a hammer drill and a torque wrench, too. And a stud finder. And a garden hoe. And a digital micrometer. And a shovel. And a pickaxe. And a nine-pound sledgehammer.

“test optional” admissions - hey, why not cut out the middleman completely and just grant degrees without any underlying merit?

Please someone tell them how stupid they sound!

Why bother? Statistics already show it takes them longer than average to graduate compared to other minority students, and AA male athletes overall have a subpar graduation rate WITH free schooling. Worse, they are demanding this despite the school itself increasing it’s AA population which defeats the purpose. And