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TL;DR: even if vaccines did cause autism at the rate they claim (but they don’t!) they are STILL safer than not vaccinating.

I wish to God that all anti-vaxers would just look at the turn of the century death records for any major city in the US or Europe and see consistently that a 1/3 of the deaths were children. The most common cause of death being diphtheria, which is a disease you wouldn’t even think of being fatal.

I don’t know... I think being against vaccines goes beyond “not caring if they work” or “believing they’re unsafe...” I have an anti-vaxxer “friend” on Facebook, and one day I’ll check in and see a post about it, and her position is “vaccines could be harmful, even though they prevent disease, and it’s possible to

Exactly. There is always risk. There is a small but non-zero risk in drinking water. That doesn’t mean that vaccines aren’t safe(and it doesn’t mean you should stop drinking water). It means that over millions and millions of people, you are going to have side effects. But study after study shows that autism isn’t one

This is called Argumentum Ad Ignorantium

I think I’m going to start a non-profit foundation that argues alcohol and cigarettes have been unfairly maligned by the mainstream media and entrenched liberal bureaucracy. These supposed scientists and their so called studies are unnecessarily depriving god fearing citizens of liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

I just don’t understand this expectation that ex-players need to be welcomed back by the team. Last I checked its a business. Oakley played for the Knicks, and while doing so was paid alot of money to do his job, just like any other employee of contractor hired to do a job. Once that contract/employment is over

No they don’t either.

All jokes aside...green is maybe over reacting here? I’d imagine if a retired employee of a company returned to corporate functions from time to time and during these times audibly and openly criticized the owner of said company I imagine that person wouldn’t be welcome back??? Not sure if that mentality is ‘slave

Alternative: Instantly prove them wrong, collect the money for other science purposes.

Oh Bobby D, why are you talking this bullshit stance. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with vaccinations because science says so.

Huh, I just thought it was a ‘my house, my rules’ mentality. You’re free to yell anything you want...outside the building I own.

I kind of get his point, but I must have missed the part of revisionist history where the slaves were spoiled, coddled millionaires

I don’t think one can ever completely end racism or bigotry, but one can get society to agree on acceptable mores and behaviors. The people who supported emancipation, women’s suffrage, the voting rights acts and an end to anti-sodomy laws weren’t all totally free of bigotries. If we had to wait for the children and

From watching the documentary last night, in at least one case, yes. A woman who’d been raised in the KKK was doing PSAs against racism. And I’m pretty sure he’s spending more than just an afternoon with these guys.

So you’re saying that people are incapable of change and all manners of protest and dialogue are completely futile?

Yeah, I’m kind of surprised by the response to this. We’ll have to wait and see how the movie plays out, but I doubt anyone’s going to walk away from it like, “oh facists aren’t so bad.” I mean, I didn’t walk away from seeing Swing Kids as a 13 year old (so, like, still not at the most intellectually discerning)

As the son of an officer, his membership in the Hitler Youth would have been mandatory. It does not make him a Nazi. Some Germans actively tried to fight what was going on in their country. A lot of them were executed. A lot of their families disappeared. Broad painting every German as a ruthless killer of Jewish

Exactly. I believe both can be true. That we can present Nazi’s (and their children) as human while simultaneously showing the atrocities they perpetrated while following a regime that promised economic prosperity and rekindling of a powerful military.

I haven’t seen the movie, but is it possible that this, like Schindler’s List, is a film that both shows the softer side of the Nazi party and is also staunchly anti-Nazi? Like maybe by the end of the movie, the Nazi has figured out that hating Jews/Blacks isn’t such a good thing after all?