
You’d be surprised just how shit airlines are at communication and fixing massive safety flaws.

As far as violations go, this is small potatoes. But you add it to the list. You remember. And then you bring out that list in 18 months when arguing why these people cannot be trusted with power and their cronies should be voted out of office.

To complete the bad joke, the WaPo reports: “Enforcement measures are largely left to the head of the federal agency — in Conway’s case, the White House.”

Why though? Is she not capable of exiting a vehicle and mounting steps alone? Are most women not capable of that (with no disrespect to the disabled community)? I get it that it’s a social more and that it would have been polite and would have demonstrated regard for him to have walked her in. However, I think


Again, what does that have to do with racial discrimination?

Think about it too: when do pilots turn a plane around? Not because you want to renegotiate baggage fees. They don’t even turn around if you were late to a flight, much less because you felt, AFTER BOARDING THE PLANE, that you paid too much for bags.

Well...a mental breakdown IS slightly different than being angry about being late and not being able to check 19 bags and making the whole plane turn around on the tarmac. Right?

He probably doesn’t know he has been paying for those bags, just someone in his group swiped his card. You think he reads his credit card statements?

Not that I’m a fan of AA, but I think in this case, returning to the gate wasn’t an issue of meeting Derulo’s demands, so much as it was “We have a passenger on the plane who is causing a disturbance, and by law we must return to the gate so that authorities on the ground can address it.” Seriously, AA should waive

Why would the police be called during the Selma Blair incident? She was crying and claiming that abuse was being done to her by someone else.

Jason Derulo had his race cards packed in his bags and was pissed that he couldn’t pull them out fast enough

Jason: Don’t you know who I am?

AA Baggage Agent: Alright, 19 bags checked. That’ll be $4,000 please. Credit or debit?

Oh, Jason. You can’t have it both ways.


In that entire clip about Derulo, I fail to see how race played into it. Unless of course that is a catch phrase to get your story more traction?

Jason Derulo has accused America’s shittiest major airline (unless we’re counting Spirit) of “racial discrimination” after an incident involving checked bags, $4000, and literal requests to “turn this plane around.”

All this Jason Derulo mess just sounds like he’s being overly entitled...

Wait... The plane returned to the gate adding another 40 minutes, take or leave, to everyone else on the flight? How is that even possible and who does this clown this he is and fuck you American Airlines for letting someone de board after their last chance.