
you do realize democrats put the structure allowing this “nuclear option” in place right?

The “standard rules” were always able to be rewritten at a moment’s notice by whoever holds a majority position in the Senate though.

I appreciate that this article includes a number of sensible quotes from pro-life marchers. I still disagree, but it’s important that we can at least understand each other’s positions.

Or maybe weepy blogs like Gawker (RIP), Gizmodo, and Kotaku were far overstating the threat a bunch of nerds angrily hashtagging from their parents’ basement posed in an effort to make themselves out as victims?

Came here to post this.

I agree with most everything you say here except for the pigs bit. Those pigs are feral and descended from a group that’s been there a long time.

Yeah, I’d assume the point was to clear the streets of people breaking shit and anyone who was marching with people breaking shit.

So regarding reading people their rights, it isn’t a mandate. It just means anything you say to them can’t be used against you in a court of law. My lawyer tried the whole, “He was never read his rights” argument during a court appearance for an underage and the judge just said that only matters if the police were

“They were not, he said, ever read their rights or formally informed what charges they were facing.”

See any of those Randy Rainbow videos? Funny guy, but in one the joke seems to largely be that Melania Trump has trouble with English, and another has a joke about the horror of Kellyann Conway in a 2 piece.

What these child-like adults fail to realise, is that the FDA is broken specifically because they made it so in an attempt to game the system and be the smartest and bestest and richest.

He did it since people like you and Buzzfeed will do anything to create negative press. He probably just grew tired of the distraction.

It seems like topics likes these rent a lot of space in your head for you to be saying "this sort of thing all the time".

Religious people live longer because religion is free, self-administered psychiatric therapy. It helps them manage stress.

The call for rationality that only ever focuses on attacking Christianity? You don't seem to have a problem with being having religious beliefs, just Christians. I don't give two shits what anyone believes in. However don't go around shitting on someone for believing in "fairy tales" but leave out all the other

I, like you don't think any of those things happened either, but your argument that they violate the basic laws of the universe is simply wrong. You conflate our current understanding of the universe with the actual laws of the universe. Your position is like that of the astronomist who claimed the Big Bang theory was

You know what ticks me off? Evangelists saying, "No, I'm not a fallible human being with an opinion; I know the TRUTH! And if you don't believe me, you are an IMBECILE and must be sniped at about it CONSTANTLY!"

How do you know if someone's atheist, vegan, or does Cross fit?

And the one about Atheists never being able to resist telling everyone what they don't believe in...