
Good? Police who fail to cooperate with other departments in upholding the laws of this country should be shamed. Also.....I just can’t understand the logic of people who actually WANT criminals (aliens or otherwise) to be set free to roam the streets if their community.

Ok. Well many of us consider sheathing the penis to be a vital part of foreplay....as well as visualizing it....because looking at and touching a man are hot.....

If your using OCP to treat a medical condition, your should have that monitored by a doctor at regular visits. Not just gobble pills. So there is that.

It doesn’t protect against STDs and those using it are not likely to get checked as they aren’t needing a doctors prescription for the pills.

How could someone insert their nonsheathed penis into your body without you knowing? That’s just a silly argument.

The reprecussion of exercising his free speech right is that others hate what he’s saying. That isn’t evidence of racism. It’s evidence, however, of the proper functioning of a constitutional democracy. He’s allowed to say what he wants, and so are other people. Neat!

Those American ideals of free speech, freedom to protest, and equal protection under the law were never meant for us.

He’s married, so it would appear your certainty is not the same as fact.

Well, science would seem to back religion in this case as the life of the embryo is defined as beginning when sperm penetrates egg.

It would all make a lot more sense if some ....oh, journalist maybe.......did a little more background before publishing. I’m looking straight at you, Ms. Gold.

Well maybe he needed to know if the 20% discount for local residents applied and these women got as easily overwrought as your gif lady.

Agreed. Which is why this story seems light on details and veracity.

Well.....most likely the cops would’ve come and you’d spend the night in jail for disorderly conduct. So there is that.

I hope so too. Mostly because it’s normal for waiters to ask for IDs if you’ve ordered drinks and the story seems very unlikely. More details required.

Agreed. I think there must be more to this story. Investigative journalism anyone? Like, who is this person? What’s his media trail? Who are the women? What’s their angle? As a small business owner, I can say with confidence this scenario as presented, sounds unlikely.

You are overtired. Get some rest.

What would you prefer? What turn of phrase both respects the truth of the matter and your sensibilities?

The expectation to learn the language of the country you are living in is neither hate nor aggression. It is a reasonable survival skill.

Then you run for office and write new laws. Also, your skin tone doesn’t give you any special privileges to ignore the law. I’m also fluent in bullshit.

Yes, let’s just dismiss our laws as racist and the people that uphold them too. In fact, let’s just ignore everything that doesn’t suit us. Anarchy! That’s what we’d like. It’s so much more egalitarian and diverse.