
It’s hyperbole like this that makes your position ridiculous. Comparing one bad thing to others that are not at all the same is a loser rhetorical game.

white people don’t know how to mind their own damn business and quick to report everything

Ok. That’s your view of it. Still it’s a penalty in the law that this judge is categorically refusing to follow. Obviously, a judge that can’t or won’t follow the law must be removed.

Um...she’s never been at home alone with two little kids. After giving birth and photo ops......no diapers soil that perfect manicure.

The point of this experiment is that kids eat what they are served at home and won’t eat other things unfamiliar at school. Goes to show, again, that obesity can’t be fixed at school. Eating habits begin at home. All this pointless referencing of French schools doesn’t help American children. When American

And you are a dumb racist.

As a GW alum....THAT IS A PIC of GEORGETOWN U NOT GWU !!!! Thank you.

Really? This is a thing you think worthy of complaint? The music, that you don’t like, is played by more men than women at a festival you wouldn’t go to anyway where the food is mostly cooked by men?! Do you realize how petty you sound? not everything, everywhere has to be 50-50 all the time.

Samuel Jacksons comments were vile racial hatred. He should get called out.

Black folks need to not make excuses for the outright racism of other black folks. Also, stop blaming failures on the white boogeyman. Oh, wait. That’s the same thing. Yeah, just take the god damn plank out of your own eye before starting up on your neighbor.

He’s talking about the ugly racism of many American Blacks as typified by Jackson’s vile verbal spew.

Spending the night in jail is part of the civil disobedience. Don’t dare interrupt their sacrifice.

Yeah. I’d put a women’s right to move freely in her society far above the right of privileged chicks to get arrested for show.

Ok. You don’t know her. So she doesn’t exist right?

Wow. If that’s not narcissistic as all heck.

Not convenient TO YOU. That’s the point of sacrifice for a cause you believe in.. your example inspires others. Otherwise you’re just an asshole.

Sparse though they may be.

You’re beyond ignorant. Stop trying to “educate” anyone.

This is exactly my experience in ladies locker rooms. Except sometimes young ladies are also moms with kids in tow....so they form a clutch of birds chattering about that bullshit and taking up all the bench space...until the old ladies arrive and give them the well deserved side eye that scatters them like stupid

Your level of hypocrisy must be exhausting to maintain.