
Wow. You must be exhausted from all that rationalization and hypocrisy.

If companies truly cannot find enough qualified US workers in a nation of 320 million, they are doing something very wrong in their recruitment. I call BS on this excuse. You want workers? Hire them, train them, pay them well enough to recruit and retain the quality you are looking for. Invest in your own

Nice. Completely pointless reply. BTW there is a reason we sleep. You don’t like reason or facts that interrupt your narrative? Cool. Don’t bring your ignorance among us. This is not entertainment for the adults.

You’re a racist troll. That persons testimony was true and powerful. But it dissent fir your narrative, so you’ll bring him down? To hell with you.

Every single one of us has experienced the cancer of racism. It’s ignorant to think otherwise.

Get out is about the niche-its of all niche films. It says nothing of substance about white or black or brown people.

PTSD is not an excuse for beating people with a hammer.

A woman who has the presence of mind to live stream her boyfriends death in front of her cold is exactly the same person who would beat another with a hammer.

Not the same at all. Your ignorance is astounding.

As a professional working with children, I’ve often cursed the parents who’ve put their own children through the worst experiences imaginable. Things that you can accept as risks for yourself as an adult......you just don’t have the right to drag children into. Even if they are yours by birth. Parents that

You are not correct. The only thing static about any of us is our humanity.

By definition, a societal contract is only as permanent as the society that constructs it.

Please give some scientific basis for your silly assertion that race is a thing other than what people view it. Oh, darn. There isn’t one.

You’re not a Catholic? Please refrain from commentary upon subjects of which you are ignorant.

That is a stupid comment.

Well. You’re quite the bigot.

Baptism of children near death is for the sake of their soul. No one else’s.

There are ancient sewers under Rome and Paris filled with the bones of children. It’s not a new thing in human history. Today we deal with unwanted children in a medicalized and more sanitized way. Not necessarily less horrifying. Just less obvious.

I object to your characterization of adoptions as shady. They are life giving for adoptive parents, their children and the birth parents. Don’t slam the greatest act of human love out of ignorance.

I’m, sorry, your stupid ass snark shows clearly who the idiot is here.