
Yes, they are quite similar in that they exist in our minds and as social constructs.

Race doesn’t exist. It is not hereditary except that every human on the planet has the genes to express a variety of skin tones.

Race doesn’t actually exist except that we make it so. The end.

You sound like a child.

Stupid naive skinny chicks willing to starve themselves into oblivion are a renewable resource.

Nope. The perception is WTF do you endure such stupidity? For what even? Use your youth and beauty for something useful and relevant before it fades.

The models should be treated with greater decency for their contributions. But the “power” does not now and never has resided with living coat hangers. The industry they are a part of is exploitive and idiotic at its core. Its origins and purpose are to allow a select few men to manipulate women into thinking

No one cares. But them. And a couple millennial Jezzies who actually believe elected representatives should be lauded for their fashion choices, because they are female?! Sigh. Feminism is truly dead. And the young chicks killed it.

Western Civ didn’t invent slavery. THat was around long long before.

Oh, dear. South Carolina has may many reasons to be proud. Great climate (subtropical) ......lovely beaches...historic architecture.......not everything is destroyed by war.

Hmm.. A history lesson. Since the US was originally conceived as a union of separate states.... Treason against the voluntary compact is not really a thing, except in hindsight. It would be akin to calling the Brexit supporters “traitors”. While you may feel that emotionally, it’s not a legal thing.

The most degrading act is killing someone. Don’t be overly proud of the killers in your ancestors. Pride isn’t a good look when it comes to civil war.

Most old stones are lime.....cost is better...easy to break after years of weathering.

Nope. Most old headstones are lime, not granite and break easily.

Cemeteries have been desecrated since the dawn of time. That’s why most lock their gates at night.

Statistically, it’s actually more likely she was killed for being in a city with a high rate of gun violence.

True. But that does not excuse lack of facts in reporting. Otherwise, it’s just gossip and rumors.

You’re not in law enforcement, are you?

You’re not in law enforcement, are you?

Discussing things with the logic and facts of a high school debate club would be a step forward on this site.