
Disproportionate to what measure? Women, sex workers, blacks, US residents, residents of cities where gun violence is high? Your assertion needs facts.

Yes, it’s actually very likely it is a coincidence considering LA doesn’t have such a law and NO has quite a lot of gun violence.

Considering that, in most Metro areas in 2016, we are all influenced by random violence, your assertion is incorrect on its face.

“Mardi Gras—which marks the culmination of Carnaval season—on Tuesday.”

Statistically, the incidence of LGTB deaths in 2015 was 21 of 320 million people. Not all of these were hate crimes, most were suicides and DV. Deaths of all persons by guns in the US in 2015 were just south of 13,000. So, no....you are incorrect and its vastly more likely this person was randomly killed than for

Persons in this country illegally don’t get a say in where they are deported. Mexico is the closest boarder? Out you go! The US gov isn’t obliged to send you anywhere but out.

Someone receiving WIC benefits isn’t likely to have a $600 phone for that “app” (at least I hope not)

And you would not have a Career as a talking head. And most likely be arrested.

This asshole is as impossible to watch as the blonde.

The telomeres protect the DNA I.e. Compensate for the errors in replication....aka mutations. I’m unsure as to why you’re so unnecessarily hostile.

The point of this take is that beauty isn’t physical...it comes from within. Belle has youth, but not true beauty as she dosent have compassion or love until she learns it. Beast has no physical beauty but a far more evolved understanding of love...from maturity. He also learns...if you love someone set them free.

Mutations are built into reproducing the DNA.....the telomeres compensate for errors...until they are used up...then you die. Please re read your texts for a refresher.

Ah..so you isolate your kids from tales of human nature? I wish them all the best in their sad ignorant future. Clutching their perticipation prizes.....tears and laments staring their cheeks..but mommie told me I was special! 

So these themes exist in fsirtayles because they exist in reality. Your acceptance of them is irrelevant to the purpose of mythological stories.

No. Living causes mutations in the DNA. It’s part of the process of cell division for every living thing ever. This is the reason we all age and die. From fish to elephants to you. It’s not the water. You’re welcome.

There is already a ridiculous amount of evidence vaccines are safe. So what all do they care about?

Vaccines do not cause autism at all in any way this is proven science. Not vaccinating causes death and disease. Fact.

Calling for executions perpetuates violence. It stops nothing. You are a hypocrite of the first order. This man is an example to all of us. It is our job to reach out to each other every day and build bridges. Peace spreads like a virus person to person. Just the way hatred, bigotry and violence do. Be the

Look, the male lead is a child. As is the female lead. You’re overthinking this and imposing your “enlightened” ideas on another culture and time. Don’t be that douche.

Yes, classy and deep. Thanks for adding your insight.