
You don’t think so because you can’t see that a woman’s voice does not come from her billions her swollen belly or her naked body.

Your gif is puerile. As is a billionaire prancing about naked lecturing others about feminism.

Or unless they are naked. Because...feminism.....right?

so that they can grow up in a world where they can look in a mirror

Oh.....dear.....she looks like a swollen termite queen......no one needs to see that much......please....clothes that aren’t see thru......

You are incorrect. Pilots go through regular screening for substance abuse and mental health problems. It’s the law and industry practice.


Hey Deb! My first boss insulted and demeaned me too! Looks like we both survived and went on to success! #stuffthathappenstoeverybody #sticksandstones #getoveryourselfalready

Nope. All Fed employees, from POTUS spokeswomen to the mail clerk are governed by the CFR. This type of offense is punished at the discretion of your director. POTUS counseled her. It’s done.

Nope. A mistake of this type by a federal employee is punished at her director’s discretion. Hence her being “counseled” by POTUS.

He did. Hence the statement “she was counseled “.

Federal employee offenses of this type are punishable by your director at their discretion. She was counseled. So, no. The ACLU would not be involved.

She was counseled by her employer which is consistent with the CFR. Your rage is clouding your vision.

Its OK to un-knot your knickers now. She was counseled consistent with the code of federal regulations.

Went ahead and researched it for you. In the list of suggested penalties fir this offense is a five day suspension of duty. Keep in mind, that all disciplinary action is at the discretion of your employer in the Fed Government....in this case POTUS. So counseling was what he felt was appropriate.

Yes, party planning and wearing designer dresses, having a cook, maid, driver and social staff are such hard work. Poor widdle ladies.


Again, they likely did smell of weed which contributed to their aggressive asholery. Charges should have been filed, but weren’t because he is a “celebrity”. Nothing racial at all.....except this fool says so, making him look like an even bigger asshole.

This is a story about the macro aggression every one else on that flight suffered at the hand of one asshole. I too, don’t understand why you are always trying to make everything racial when it is so not. But, whatever floats your particular boat, I guess.

That has to do with him being an aggressive asshole MAN not his race.