

None. Other than a narcisssitic man, who is also black, said so.

Well, they likely smelled of weed so that is not evidence of discrimination.

Education lets your doctor know that there are many forms of contraception. Not all requiring a thousand dollar payment upfront. Your doctor is quite sure that as an empowered female, you will make the right choice for you.

It’s not covered. It’s also protected by patent for 70 years and over $100 a pill. Feel better?

Oh, the ex felon dog torture Vick? Um, ok. Sure, whatever.

Let’s see......A couple dozen idiots in the freezing cold camped out on someone else’s property threatening violence? Sounds a lot like Bundy. Who was forcibly removed, as I recall, by the Feds. And who also believed he had a right to impose his will on the rest of the country.

The man tried to join ISIS. That even they rejected him is hardly a case for “entrapment”.

Equality under law is the core of American history. And all the struggles we’ve fought as a people to get to that ideal.

The republicans won the majority. They don’t need to ram anything anywhere. The Dems have less than a majority. So there is that. And yes, after 43 years, bad law will go the way of Plessy v. Fuergeson......fingers crossed.

Presumably there were literally thousands of travelers at the airport that had places to go and nothing to do with the drama. I’m sure every single one thanks Uber drivers for actually doing their job and getting them out of the chaos. Good job Uber.

Exactly. No actual crimes committed.

Sources? Or just fashionably jaw jawing?

Ooh. So terrified.....

Oh my....an anonymous nobody on the internet threatened me.....ha....good thing I know how to protect myself without a white knight 😉

Ignore. It’s not anyone else’s problem you’ve been offended.

No. It’s not remotely relevant to the majority of citizens. It’s a niche grievance at best.

Wait. What?! The FBI should waste time investigating free fees of gamers?I’ve dropped into an alternate universe.  

You’re calling anyone at four am? Unless you’re actually dying calling 911 I think your doctor should prescribe you better meds.

Feminism is also about the positions of women you don’t agree wth and infant girls. It’s called intersectionality.