
Roe v. Wade was bad law based on a single hard case forty years ago. It’s time to revisit it.

The match that officially told the proliferation to fuck themselves?

You do realize that the organizers of the march last Saturday officially disenfranchised the pro-life community? Good to know you’re on the side of the sneering fascists.

You do realize “icky dick stuff” originated in in vag splooge?

Doubt you’d have to worry about their dicks...they likely would keep them far from your kind.

Doubt they’d have have problem with supporting their children. Maybe you could qualify for a man like that......aim higher.

Lucky for you......they’d wouldn’t touch you with someone else’s dick and a ten foot pole.....but you knew that already.....didn’t you?

PP takes care of women....like this!?

Because they want babies?!

Healthcare is not free duuuh.

Well..as the POTUS is entitled to his picks...and Dems don’t have the vote.....

Wow. You sound like a really fun chick to be around.

And your problem with letting someone else do something is why you’re on the internet bitching about your life. Dosent hurt you to praise someone else’s efforts.

You have issues.

Mr. Clean is very sexy. That you don’t see that is a thing for you and your therapist. Good luck.

Also...your statement makes no sense either.

What you said literally makes no sense.