sweet blameless child

idk this seems like the kind of thing which belongs firmly in the era before 12 year olds had access to internet porn. at least that was my only interest in witchblade back when it was a thing.

"The ACA was an enormous achievement, something that had eluded every president since Truman."

"squarely on the milquetoast" can we just say that in the review next time instead of wasting money and time and words?

poopy butthole is a poopy butthole but it scares me when people say obama was basically perfect, it's an appallingly ignorant statement.

everything i said was factually accurate, sorry ya don't like facts dude.

i compliment your nazi boyfriend's ability to roll with a punch and i get this hostility from you? what's up with that?

lmfao @ "black panther racist"

people die from one punch homicides ALL THE TIME. especially from suckerpunches like that. (un)luckily the guy who punched him was a total fucking wuss who doesn't know how to punch so instead of the broken jaw or cheekbone and bad concussion that usually results from getting blindsided on your slack, relaxed,

so you recognize that mittens and cuomo occupy the same political quadrant but don't know the difference between left and right. interesting.

if it makes you feel any better it was a weak arm punch, if you watch frame by frame the guy doesn't twist his hips or shoulders just kinda limply darts his arm out to fist slap him. watching frame by frame, spencer catches his bearings a fraction of a second after the "punch" lands, bends at the waist to roll with it

yeah that's really more of a criticism of cuomo

bush was an inarticulate dildo and a war criminal, he just wasn't a loud and proud racist and sex criminal.


lol i'm not talking shit you bizarrely hostile dork the kid has a weird voice. this is not a partisan issue. i hope you talk like this much of an impotent unhinged dipshit in real life where people have an opportunity to slap the whiny sass out of your mouth.

lmfao i'm sorry i cast aspersions on the kids elocution now please relax you fucking weirdo

jesus christ yall are two sides of a shitty coin

they probably have trust funds and other mommy daddy money just like you, which is why their interests trend towards the painfully bougie.

lol the kid clearly has a speech problem please relax francis

he misheard him because the kid is 10 and can't articulate words properly with his mouth

i support literal fires but not by some dumbass 10 year old who doesn't know what to burn or why he's burning anything in the first place and i certainly don't think he's some kind of example to follow.