sweet blameless child

who the heck are you talking to

having to dredge the bowels of soundcloud to find decent music isn't a good thing. back in the day talent made it all the way to the radio

i think he means people who are dynamic frontmen, incredibly skilled songwriters, and amazingly proficient multi-instrumentalists. trent is sort of a lesser version of these things to varying degrees and a product of an era where those talents were valuable instead of an impediment to commercial success. if these

just imagine it's set in the who framed roger rabbit universe and you'll be fine

if you like janky ugly/beautiful rpgs with great stories and troubling sexual politics i'd highly recommend starting with the first game. if you're some kind of philistine who only plays good, well-designed games then the witcher 2 was groundbreaking for its time and one of if not the best game of its era.

never, god willing, until they replace their writing staff with people who aren't fanfiction.net rejects and their design staff with people who don't think the most mind-numbing installments of the ass creed series are the pinnacle of open world game design

bannerlord bro. a new mount & blade game is all the pc love i will ever need

lmfao this is that thing where people who don't know what they're talking about accuse people who know more than them of being idiots to soothe the sting of their own pigshit ignorance

lol you're so low info it's scary


also if someone gives you factual information on the representatives who hold our lives in their hands and you go NUH UH SHUT UP YOU'RE BAD KILL THE MESSENGER i don't think that's a healthy response at all. holding power accountable is the only thing that sustains a free society, your response to it shows why we don't

whether or not the russians hacked the rnc, if they hacked anyone at all, is information i don't have access to. the DNI report says the intelligence agencies don't claim to even have forensic proof but are basing their assessments on educated guesses and inductive logic. read the report, it's short.

are you suggesting that the less information the voters have the more democratic it is?

hillary spent the entire election telling voters trump was a russian manchurian candidate and that as soon as she was elected she was going to start blowing russian jets out of the sky in syria. this is part of a longer regime change project that's been going on since the attempted snow revolution and the successful

thank you for sharing that with me i look forward to watching it

lol it's just basic inductive logic broseph. he's obviously got a better grasp of cold war history than you. i have a better grasp of cold war history than you, or else you wouldn't be panting at weisberg's twitter doorstep waiting for him to confirm your unexamined political biases. my explanation for why he chooses

that's what i mean by opposing intelligence services. americans and russians vastly misunderstood each other and that confusion almost led to everybody on earth dying in a nuclear fireball. we don't want another cold war please and thank you

isn't the illegals project supposed to be mythical?

lmao what a coherent rebuttal you've presented me with. i feel a sudden submissiveness to deep state intelligence operatives and psychopath war profiteers, due to the faultless logic and stunning wit you've kneecapped me with.

they're not just "investigating" they're mobilizing thousands of troops along russia's border and pointing nuclear weapons at them. in a few years when this is the mother of all meatgrinders and we're staring down the barrel of the annihilation of all life on earth you fuckers better remember that you begged for this,