sweet blameless child

it's all good bruh it's just south park. if you're curious about if they can do good political satire check out season 19

yeah it's kinda that thing where you set the bar as low as possible and use the republicans as blackmail is why democrats have hemorrhaged a thousand elected positions and have almost no power in government anymore but whatever god forbid yall ever learn anything

nah. they should've let milo speak. then surrounded the building when he got there. breaking a bunch of shit is a temper tantrum. making him fear for his life is resistance.

lol this is not a coherent response to my counterargument and it sounds like you haven't watched the show since 2007. it's not even that great a show, it just bothers me that you have no clue what you're talking about and this comments thread is full of people repeating the same inaccurate criticism that relies on

is there a lack of trump criticism in media these days?

big shoutout to the "one side is good" folks who live in weird partisan bubbles and can't tell the economy and our geopolitical standing were already in tatters due to a bipartisan effort to impoverish and disenfranchise the many for the benefit of the few, that the expanded executive powers under bush and obama and

that's exactly what they did mr labeouf or am i missing the joke

they've staked plenty of positions. they've been pro-gay from the beginning and normalized gay characters in a show that started out aimed precisely at the little shits who use homophobic slurs. they came out against gay reeducation camps, staked a position on scientology and mormonism. spent an entire episode

oh no not third party

nobody buys it because it's a dumb argument

thanks! i'll put this in the regular rotation for a while and see how it suits me.

this is an intensely political show, the reviewer is just too uneducated to comment intelligently on that. she has an axe to grind regarding her dim understanding of spoiled white chick feminism. she doesn't see the class struggle, how that informs the sexual politics of the show, the tension between state and private

sepinwall is ok depending on what he's reviewing. seems kinda burned out now and i don't really keep up with him anymore. birth movies death is marginally better than the avclub but not by much and they don't update a lot. and that's about it afaik. todd vanderwerf moved on to either slate or salon or the atlantic,

move on where though? if there was a version of the avclub where the writing was half decent i'd happily never visit this place again

it's really weird to describe a show as uneventful and then describe mutilation and magic and heists and astral projection incest and fistfights and debauchery in the same damn review. and not even touch upon half of what happened.

i get what you're saying buddy, you're patiently explaining to status quo to me. however, allow me to highlight your error here, the majority of americans want a public option. this is extremely important for you to understand imo. the people want it. so when you go on the internet and say that people don't want it

oh no not the insurance companies, for the love of god protect their shareholders at all costs. what could possibly be more valuable than money

like i'm sitting here taking a fat shit on the toilet reading some goober imply that warrantless domestic surveillance, killing american citizens with drone strikes, dropping 30k bombs a year and mostly killing innocent people, indefinite detention without due process, toppling democratically elected regimes, dumping

bullshit, you could just force them to cover preexisting conditions.. without the mandate. and not allow the insurers to write the legislation in the first place. quit defending the goddamn aca dude, it's a sloppy blowjob for the insurance industry and they can afford to buy their own damn blowjobs.

i got no beef with forcing insurers to cover preexisting conditions, that's wonderful. creating a captive market for the predatory insurance industry to gouge with impunity though, that's not a an elusive achievement. it's just shitty policy no one asked for.