Sweet Berry Wine! 2.0

The angle isn’t helping.

You can have both. It’s not a zero sum game. Maybe the women who brought their heels for dancing kept room in their packs by not shopping for jewelry and wool shawls.

Hot take: Pippa and Kate both look like shit for their ages. Pippa in particular looks like she’s at least 45.

I’d like for $1400 for a two-bedroom here in NYC. But honestly I am just not a fan of sun, beaches, hot weather, palm trees, etc. so you can keep it. The snow is romantic.

I think I remember the piece you’re talking about. I’m not digging all the weird colonialist vibes.

Also this:

The only thing I’ve left behind for good is the performance of beauty. When my friends tell me about new hair treatments or shopping trips to Sephora, I listen blankly. But then, still, some days, I curl my lashes, sweep on blush, and put on tinted lip balm. But I don’t spend too much time before the mirror. Instead,

Ugh thank you. That bit of hairy leg that’s always exposed grosses me out so much. Nasty nasty nasty.

Malia looks gorgeous in this pic. Love the dress.

Amen. Yards and lawns are so wasteful. Rock gardens and apartments for everybody.

Well that’s just Manhattan below Harlem and the ~cool~ parts of North Brooklyn. South and Western Brooklyn, most of the Bronx, Washington Heights, most of Queens, and of course poor Staten Island are still as they were when I was a kid (granted I’m pretty young). Most of Manhattan is trash though, I agree.

Whenever people in flyover country brag about having a backyard I have to lol. I don’t have a yard but I have Central Park, amazing public transport, cultural diversity, and more things to than just sitting in my backyard or going to Walmart. Suburban standards of living in the US are pretty low, just compare quality


I didn’t like the tattoo, but the mom jeans and Chanel necklace are awesome. It takes good taste to appreciate bad taste.

I was at Christie’s a few weeks ago (don’t ask) and noticed every single one of the rich white ladies had that Kate Middleton hair. Straight, shapeless, and sort of dry looking. What’s up with that?

He’s got major jowls. It’s disturbing.

Bernie Sanders

I love this.

She’s incredibly dumb, extremely combative, and completely self-absorbed. She’s like tumblr personified.

Lmao. This bimbo has a big photo shoot in public wearing a corset and a goddamn cape and curses people out just for looking at her? What an obnoxious idiot. Special snowflake princess.