Sweet Berry Wine! 2.0

Omg I thought I was the only one!

Am I the only one who has problems with Katy Perry/Zooey Deschanel?

Well I love her artwork, but I think the way she treated Julian was appalling. I feel conflicted whenever I read about her.

Lmao. You’re the one going all internet tough guy in another thread bragging about how you’re gonna join the armed forces and hopefully get “sent somewhere with action,” and you’re whining about someone else making everything about themselves? Get the fuck out. You don’t give a shit about women you just like hearing

212 is great. Banks had tons of potential. Unfortunately she’s got a lot of personal issues and evidently no one looking out for her, because now she’s mostly known for psycho Twitter rants. :-/

Why would you want your kid’s name tattooed on your neck in the first place?

Idk why people here keep saying Iggy Azalea’s career is dying when Azalea Banks has been self-destructing for years. I hate them both.

Agreed. The negativity is depressing.

It’s probably the weirdest criticism I’ve ever received from anyone in my entire life.


I can’t believe she is only 31. She looks… a lot older.

I would use this. I recently went on a date with a guy and somehow it came up that I’m into Egyptology. He stared me dead in the face and said, “That is just not attractive.” Bring on the UFO weirdoes.

Great informative post. Thank you. Are you obligated to register your children as citizens? Just asking. This is a very interesting subject for me.

In another life these two would have been a celebrity yoga instructor team.

Will these children really have to pay U.S. income taxes? I’ve always wondered what happens to the children of U.S. citizens abroad, who just happen to have dual citizenship due to parentage.

Yeah exactly. Lana Del Rey, Katy Perry, and everyone’s BFF Taylor Swift all do the cutesy thing and no one bats an eye because they’re all 5’7”+. I will cop to being bitter because I’m the same size as Grande so I get a lot of similar comments from other women, but for real, Jez commenters would never pull the shit

We’ve reached peak basic bitch. Calling someone a basic bitch is beyond the most basic thing possible.

They just seem to go psycho over her being petite. Idk, all of the comments about her just sound like bitter body-snarking tbqt.

My skin is as dry as a mummy’s so I don’t really use any powder makeup. Everything I have is liquid or gel (including eyeliner and blush). I guess YMMV because I’ve had some hellish experiences with TSA holding up the security line to shriek at me over a lip balm I forgot in my pocket or something. Maybe I could try

I’m talking about limiting it all to 1 quart sized bag, not the size of the actual product.