Sweet Berry Wine! 2.0

This is definitely a “can I speak to the manager” look.

Gnawing like an angry psychedelic badger. An absolutely heinous outfit.

No, but mostly because moustaches creep me out.

I don’t even watch this show, but damn she’s hot.

The only place I’ve been unable fit in stylistically was Prague. I just could not get a handle on the local style. It seems to be some weird combo of sexy boho grandma stripper. No matter what I did everyone could obviously tell I was a foreigner.

I’ve never been anywhere that hot, tbh.

It does make it so though. I have no fucking doubt that having a greater physical presence makes people less likely to fuck with you.

Greenland sounds amazing. If I had to pick between Southeast Asia and Antarctica, I’d definitely go for Southeast Asia. Antarctic travel is kind of in a moral gray zone for me. Not sure the experience is worth the environmental risks.

Let’s just agree to disagree.

I’m 5’1” and I’ve been grabbed, harassed, and stalked by numerous male creeps in my life and not once has anyone ever intervened. That’s just par for the course as a woman, but taller women do not have the same huge physical disadvantage that smaller women do. Being small causes men to view you as easier prey, to put

And all I’m saying is taller people don’t know the vulnerability that comes with being small. I’m not arguing anyone is burly or immune from rape or whatever, and I’m sorry if I came across that way. But in my experience smaller women are much more vulnerable.

Huh? No one’s ever called me sir outside of some middle school bullying, but men have made comments about how I’m so tiny it would be easy to knock me out and drag me into their cars. I’d rather be called sir to be honest.

Yeah, good point. Kind of a dick move to admit that you think your friends are so vacuous that you don’t even bother to listen when they talk.

Damn whatever man. All I’m saying is that when it comes to personal safety it’s better to be taller. Even fucking car airbags are likely to kill short women. As a short woman I’d pick personal safety over some scrubs thinking I’m “burly” as you say.

Who the hell ever said anything about burly or strong? I just said it’s a hell of a lot easier to grab a small person than a large person.

Sorry, but I think being hard to miss actually works out in your advantage. It’s a lot harder for a 5’10” woman to disappear into the back of a man’s car than it is for a 5’ woman. You also have an advantage of being less easy to incapacitate. A tall friend and I both had GHB slipped into our drinks at a club and she

Exposing a lot of skin in NYC/any big city just seems gross. I always cringe singing someone’s bare legs all over subway seats, imagining their pores absorbing all the poop/pee/strangers’ sweat/dirt particles. On a rare occasion I wear shorts out I feel like I need a shower after 30 mins. Long loose clothes to protect

I kind of feel bad for not being more sympathetic to tall women’s complaints. Being 5’1” fucking sucks. At least tall women don’t have to walk around constantly feeling small and physically vulnerable. I always think about how easy it would be for a creep to just grab me. I also don’t buy their claims that short women

He sounds unhinged. His last paragraph sounds like an outright threat.

Maybe I’m just super unlucky because TSA has pounced on me every time I dare carry even a lip balm outside of the quart bag. I must give off shady vibes or something. :-/