Sweet Berry Wine! 2.0

I’m not talking about it being an option for those who want it, but instead the reactions to the OP’s comment saying the only reason you wouldn’t want to have sex is if there was something mentally wrong with you. This is the same criticism I have for the larger “sex-positive” move in feminism.

What CEFADlovah said. I can’t fit my toiletries + makeup into one bag.

What about makeup?

No prob. ;-)

I don’t have one. Like for real, I have way too many liquids to make use of a carry-on bag for anything besides my laptop. Always gotta check my shit. How do people who travel for business avoid carrying liquids? Do you just eschew makeup altogether?

I honestly thing strapless dresses look inelegant and juvenile. They look like prom dresses. An adult woman getting married should wear something more refined.

I wish people wouldn’t tell women who have low sex drives/aren’t interested in sex and are fine with it that they must somehow be dysfunctional. It seems like female sexuality is only acceptable if it mirror’s male sexuality (always want sex, love porn, be exhibitionist, etc.).

The humiliation. Here’s a link to the Jez article. The general attitude was that the daughter was a brat who needed to be “put in her place.”

I was shocked how many commenters here loved that video of the dad shooting his daughter’s laptop after going on a 5 minute screed about how awful she is. That shit was twisted and violent.

Anyone who says anything remotely negative about Tess Holliday gets piled upon by commenters shrieking “HAES NO BODY SNARKING NO BODY SHAMING” meanwhile this poor model is labelled “Anorexia” by the writer and compared to a Holocaust victim by the commenters. The rule is still there but it’s only applied to fat women.

Hot Take: Everyone’s posting about “blah blah this is why I don’t stand near the tracks” but really this is why I go out of my fucking way to avoid strange men in public. I don’t look at them, I don’t get near them, and if they try to interact with me I assume they’re violent and run the fuck away. I’ve had way too

Lmao. So true. Jez’s no “body snarking” rule only applies to middle-aged obese women.

I love Sofia Coppola. She’s one of the few celebrities that come across as genuinely nice and chill. People give her shit for being privileged but she owns it and I don’t think she’s ever implied that she isn’t. Kinda bummed about this.

You know how Japanese restaurants give you those hot towels to clean your hands before your meal? Well when I was a server an upscale izakaya, I gave a woman a hot towel to clean her hands. She cleaned her hands, and then her armpits, and then finally she took off her shoes and wiped down her feet before dropping the

I think the only reason people here are reflexively defending Kipnis is because her supporters have managed to frame the argument as a reasonable professor vs. obnoxious tumblr addicted millenials situation.

Shopping stresses me out because I hate visiting multiple stores and trying to reconcile the style of one to the next. I’m just not good at being able to figure out what “goes” unless everything is from the same brand. Because of this my wardrobe is currently 85% Muji that I buy when I have to go on business trips to


You’re the only one saying anything about locking kids away. I said they shouldn’t be encouraged to lay around on the filthy floor in the footpath of strangers. It’s not safe, it’s not sanitary, it’s inconsiderate, and it doesn’t do the kid any good in the long run. Quit it with the strawman arguments. You’re just

I use this strategy:

I don’t like parents who let their kids to be obnoxious in public because it’s easier for them. Not sure why that’s so controversial. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯