Sweet Berry Wine! 2.0

Who would ever even want to work at one of these places? The sexual harassment I got at a regular serving job was enough to make me wanna die.

No I said they shouldn’t be encouraged to exhibit socially unacceptable behavior. Don’t put words in my mouth. Even though you love that your is special snowflake laying on the floor, everyone else around you thinks it’s obnoxious is weird and if she tries it anywhere else she could get herself hurt.

I’ll cop to being a neat freak, but I don’t really think crumbs are that hard to sweep up. Napkin + hand is all it takes. If they were big enough that the flight attendant could see them then they probably weren’t so microscopic they couldn’t have been brushed away.

Campsite rules. Leave a place as clean or cleaner than it was when you arrived. It’s not an unreasonable request for her to make that you clean up for yourselves after making a mess. That you thought it was just stinks of entitlement. If I get food on the floor I don’t just think “staff’s job,” I try my best to clean

Oh my god come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn……….. There’s a massive difference between breastfeeding and sprawling across the floor in public.

I just don’t think it’s appropriate for children to be permitted to lay on the floor in public. How will they learn to behave themselves appropriately if they’re permitted to do something that is generally considered socially unacceptable for the sake of their parents’ temporary comfort?

Wow god forbid you should have to clean up after yourself. Just dump whatever on the floor because of course the cleaning crew will be taking care of it. Vom.

Truth. I don’t even read Gawker anymore because the comments are 90% shitposts, 10% “my aunt Jennifer earns $750.00 per hour working from home using her laptop” spam.

Why am I still grey but blatant shitposts like this constantly get approved? What’s the motivation to comment?

Spelling bees and “math bees” (whoever invited those can rot in hell) were the bane of my existence as a kid. I was bullied a lot and was therefore super duper shy and nervous speaking in front of my entire class. I always froze up in terror and prayed for everyone to stop paying attention to me. Which of course only

I am white and do not own a television.

She got famous for 212 and then her album was delayed for three years because of her shit attitude and general insanity. Now she’s mostly known for going psycho on Twitter. I don’t see her going as far as she could’ve now that she’s made herself a joke.

Same! It takes a ton of confidence to pull off a fringe that short.

It’s so my dream haircut.

Yeah she’s a psychotic one-hit wonder.

Parents are the worst. I wish there was more neurotic parent-shaming because this mother’s reaction to a flipping PINTEREST page is so self-absorbed and embarrassing.

That is some A+ parenting.

She’s so fun, chill, and weird. It kills me to see so much negativity in the comments.

I found her comments unnecessarily negative and way to eager to a young woman “in her place.”

Lil B’s tweets always make me so happy.