
I think this post is spot-on, but I also think it's worth pointing out that the point of view and the experiences of the writer do not represent the experiences of most white people. If you step outside of this example, white privileged does mean having an advantage, but it doesn't mean you get to go to college or get

Gah! That's incredibly cute.

That kid IS America. And listening to him sing not only gave me full-body goose bumps, but it made me feel psyched up, and teary, and goddamn patriotic. I feel sorry for all those haters who can't feel the emotions and sense of patriotism that this song was written to instill. They spend their bitter lives living in

I have a friend who's a nurse, and she said pooping in the delivery room is really common, and just like you said - it's usually before the delivery when the mother is pushing. She said the nurses all wear gloves anyway, so they're trained to just scoop it up with their hand and then pull the glove off by pulling it

But those companies are only in Bangladesh and other developing countries because they don't have to play by the rules there. If the Bangladesh government (or any other entity) told factory owners they had to provide safe work environments, a working wage, and meet pollution standards, then the cost of doing business

I agree. I think there are ways we can support and encourage other countries to improve quality of life for their people without outsourcing our factory work to them. The only reason these companies set up shop in developing counties is to exploit them. Instead of giving tax breaks to corporations that only offer

I know someone who had an orgasm while giving birth in the hospital. She didn't plan a natural childbirth, but she went into labor quickly and the baby came out so fast he had friction burns on his forehead. In addition to having an orgasm, she also pooped on the delivery table. She said the whole experience made her

I wanted to quit for years and finally hatched a plan that worked for me. I was living in Seattle at the time, and I decided that I'd move into a shared house where smoking wasn't allowed. I decided the best time to move would be the winter when it was the rainiest, and specifically chose a house that had no front or

I'm so glad I'm not the only one thinking these things. It's terrible to imply that Sebelius was trying to shirk responsibility for this issue when in fact she understood that politicians should let medical experts guide a decision that will mean the difference between life and death for many people.

I think feminism and YA literature is a great topic, but yeah, I don't understand the appeal of reading YA books.

I'm with you. How can it be said that his diagnosis was HPV-induced cancer, but at the same time these other doctors are questioning the diagnosis based on the observation that smokers with HPV-induced cancer have a similar prognosis to smoking-induced cancer patients? I feel like either I'm missing a part of the

I actually know 3 people who were diagnosed with cancer and HPV - 2 had rectal cancer and one cervical cancer. However, it still never occurred to me that you could get cancer in your throat or mouth from HPV. Luckily the treatment does have a relatively high success rate. All three people I know were cured, although

South Africans and their poop porn - I just had to do some Googling, even though I know I really, really, really do not want to see poop porn. Luckily I found this instead:

Yeah. HR is aware of the situation - at least, I reminded them about all the recent bad hiring decisions after I didn't get the last position. I didn't say the term "age discrimination", though, because it's the kind of place where HR and management gossip amongst themselves and I don't want it to get back to my

I'm having a similar experience at my job and am also wondering what the point is of staying around. I've been trying to get into a certain department that I have a seemingly perfect background for: college degree, industry experience, management experience, great performance reviews, team player, etc. However, the

I have a white cat and the couple times I've given him a bath this is pretty much what he looks like wet, even though when he's dry he looks totally normal - he has a thick coat. This cat, however, has had his tail groomed. You can see in the other videos that his tail is shaved in the middle with hair at the end

It looks like love to me. I noticed that the cat's tail has been groomed with a puff ball at the end - which would explains why it may have appeared to have a skin disorder.

Or maybe it's a performance-art-Joaquin-Phoenix-style-semi-boring hoax.....nah.

2. ....and lots of gold jewelry.

I couldn't agree with you more. I imagine that feeling of being treated like a child is what bothered most women back in the day, but when a guy unnecessarily holds a door open for me I don't take it as sexism - it's just awkward and a bit confusing. However, the reaching back to hold the door rather than letting it