
Re: men not wanting a woman to hold the door for them, there are a few scenarios now that I think of it.

Yeah, I get that they can't provide 24 hour coverage, but at the same time I was under the impression that they wanted the content to stay relevant for more than just the first couple hours after a new story is posted. Having comment visibility be contingent upon the author being awake and actively engaged must really

Any other West Coast-ers out there? I'm still acclimating to the new Jezebel, and while I really like some aspect of it I'm finding that I usually log on too late to participate. This is the second version in the past few years that's required comments (or users) to be approved by staff and/or commenters to be

That thing where most men will absolutely not let you hold the door for them is so ridiculous. I can't figure out if it's just ingrained gentlmanliness that won't let them not be the one holding the door, or if they feel emasculated by allowing a woman to hold the door. Holding the door is never more of a gender issue

Blitzer must have decided while he was in makeup this morning that 'Thanking the Lord' would be the mantra and theme for his coverage of this tragedy. He single-mindedly pursued the story with goal of wrapping up every interview with a mention of God, hoping it would somehow seal him in the minds of his audience as

S'awesome, s'marvelous.

I want a "Vaginas are Boss" t-shirt. And a, "Yawn. Is it in yet?" t-shirt. This article is pretty much a t-shirt slogan gold mine.

This reminds me of the first time I went to Vegas. I bought a couple nice outfits to take so I wouldn't feel self-conscious in the casinos (expecting, I guess, some sort of James Bond inspired atmosphere). This was my honeymoon and for the fist several days we were camping in the Southwest, but I carefully packed two

Yeah, their income was pretty low - less than $400 a week, and according to the study some of that $400 came from side gigs selling drugs or from stealing.

100 johns a week sounded extreme to me, so I set out to find some data. I found a study on street prostitutes in Chicago citing the average number of johns per week is only 7, and the average number of days they work as prostitutes is 3-4 days a week. Sure, a truck-stop prostitute may see more johns, but I can't

I love Nick but, sadly, when Jess's dad made that statement about Nick being too much like him and therefore not good enough for Jess, I knew it was true. However, unlike a lot of sitcoms, I think the writing is nuanced enough to pull off a bad relationship without crashing the show.

I used to be so embarassed when I was younger when my friends found out that my mom and stepfather had separate bedrooms. Then I got married and after a miserable year trying to sleep next to someone who flopped around in bed all night while sleeping I suggested we each have our own bedroom. This pretty much saved our

I was listening to this story on the radio today, and the narrator wrapped up by stating, "the horror is finally over for these women." I don't think the horror will every really be over for them. Ten years of torture doesn't go away when the doors open.

There's some great YouTube videos showing you how to cut long layers. I've been doing it myself for a couple year and I'm getting pretty good at it. Just search "how to cut your own hair with long layers". Some people use a sectioning technique where they have a top, middle and bottom layer, and others use a

Agreed - that they let them choose their own style I think ruined the test. Also, you're spot-on about a good hair stylist. I went to someone for a couple years who was so good that I trusted her to make decisions for me. My only directive was that I didn't want to spend an hour on it every morning. She'd do something

I surprised myself by making it through the first paragraph of this piece to read the full article. Then when I was done I pulled up the photo of the author in that shirt with jeans and said, "do you prefer pants or skirts?" His reply, " Who cares as long as she's not wearing a boutique clown shirt".

Yes, he is my boyfriend. He's been my boyfriend since Ten Speed and Brown Shoe. But, my "older" boyfriend?

This comment is so idiotic, "Eggs are the menstruation of chickens. Milk is the mammary excretion from cows". Go on and drink all the jizz you want, but please take note: birds don't menstruate, and eggs are not menstruation. Also, milk is most definitely not an excretion.

I think Betty is like a lot of people who got sidetracked in life and/or never even knew their calling, and I can relate to that right now. I think a lot of people these days can relate to that. I also like her because she's weak in character yet she perseveres and doesn't seem to be afraid. It's her uncertainty that