
That's too bad. When you say porn and politics are almost barometers of the male psyche does that mean that Japanese women don't participate much in those areas? Is women's erotica mostly in manja? My DVD is so woman-centric I assumed for some reason that there was a lot of that out there, mostly because I just

You're not weird! If my hubby and I hadn't started talking about porn we wouldn't have gotten to the point where we can share our fantasies - even the realllllly embarrassing ones - and sometimes even act them out. Personally, I don't like watching most porn, but it was the search for porn I might like that opened up

I thought she meant that talking about porn and what types of things turn us on was a teaching tool - not actually watching the porn.

I only own two porn videos that I like, and one of them is Japanese. It's not even in the same ballpark as American porn.

And for all the dog owners who think they're off the hook...consider this. Dogs not only kill small mammals and ground birds, but they have a strong residual effect on the areas they visit. Studies have shown that in parks and forests with trails the presence of dogs greatly impacts the behavior of wild life in the

It's so sad how many they kill. I'm a complete cat person (have two cats now), but they never go out for this reason. I also read that bells on a cat's collar do little to stop the carnage because cats move stealthily when they hunt and then lie in wait, so that usually by the time the bird or squirrel hears the bell

My inner and outer labia are big and I love them. The inner ones are super sensitive - I can't imagine enjoying sex without them.

Gee, I was expecting to be annoyed by the commercials after reading this, but I liked them. I don't see orgasms in the first commercial, I see a woman whose confidence has the power to blow things to smithereens. Just like Carrie (the Sissy Spacek one), when she'd had enough of the popular kids, only with less blood.

I never could figure out the appeal of a dorm room - they always seemed like extended high school sleep-away camps to me. I figure if you signed up to live somewhere that you'd be paired up with strangers in a small space, then having a toddler over 6 nights a month is probably not the worst thing that could happen.

Back in 2000 my roommate worked as a nurse at a children's hospital and they used to make shakes with a little bit of poo being one of the ingredients for the kids with intestinal infections. I've always assumed this was fairly commonplace - if super gross.

Yes, that he is playing the game at all is amazing. I could see where they might be using the bell as a toy on a regular basis so the cat is interested in batting at it under other circumstances. Or, they've been training him using treats after he guesses right. But I like to think that he's interacting with his

It's not as easy as it sounds (or doesn't sound). For me, in addition to the dryness issue usually my clit and the area around it is being pulled taught by his body which makes it even more difficult to stimulate myself. I've seen women in porn using lube or spit and some pretty strenuous hand motions to get

I knew it! My straight honey has asked me many times to go to the local lesbian bar with him (he wouldn't go without me), and he thought I was being silly when I said that the patrons probably wouldn't appreciate us being there for tourism purposes. I'm sure they would have been polite enough, but I would have felt

The case of one too many euphemisms! :) I've had nighttime happy times off and on since college, but now that I'm in my mid 40's they are more intense.

I have a female name that's not common in the US and for some reason a lot of people read it as a male name. Unfortunately, I don't have a middle name so I can't use that for a cue, but I have written "Ms" by my name in a pinch. However, I agree with what others have said that in this case they'll probably assume

I second (or third) what others have said: If you're not able to see the wrinkles before people point them out to you I would definitely take them to the cleaners to be pressed before each interview. You don't want to take the chance of looking sloppy or casual. Hopefully you will get a fantastic job right away that

I would actually see your regular physician first, or a go to a local clinic for a physical and discuss it with the doctor there. It might be anxiety, but it could also be something neurological (or a non- mental health condition). If it is a mental health issue, the doctor can steer you in the right direction as to

How frustrating. I hate to say it but I think the only thing you can do is just wait it out. Clearly you have gotten somewhere in life (somewhere respectable) based on your own competency, but for whatever reason they are not willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. It could be that they are uncomfortable with

I hate to say it but she's a horrible actor. Have you ever seen her in House? I have to turn the channel whenever she's onscreen - her wooden, toneless delivery makes me cringe in embarrassment for her.

I'm just trying to figure out what it is. Looks like it might be some sort of half maple / half coconut donut.