Yeah. It's so disappointing to see women I respect posing for him. At the same time, I feel wrong for judging their choices. I just wish everyone would get tired of him already.
Yeah. It's so disappointing to see women I respect posing for him. At the same time, I feel wrong for judging their choices. I just wish everyone would get tired of him already.
I disagree about people being entitled to love, or even the assumption that all people deserve love. Sure, everyone wants love, but wanting or needing something doesn't equate to being owed something.
This is the point at which the water buffalo was thinking, "this shit can not be happening".
I feel like I'm in the minority with my friends when it comes to makeup - most of them seem to go completely without. I stopped wearing foundation a few years ago because I felt chained to it - I couldn't go anywhere without wearing it. However, I still wear under-eye concealer and a little blush most of the time when…
That's a good test of whether you do something for yourself or for others - if you'd do it when you were spending the day alone at home. It just made me realize that the only time I wear makeup at home is when my husband is around. He doesn't care, so I don't know why I do. I'll have to think on that one for a while.
From time to time..
To begin with, please show me where I said "cannot have children". You've put words in in my mouth and then built an argument around those words. Maybe you should have started a new comment thread instead of replying to mine.
There are lots of animal lovers on this blog, and that's great, but it doesn't justify using gratuitous images of suffering animals to generate page-views. If Jezebel bothered to do any real research, or add thought-provoking content to the article other than "look at this sick shit someone did", I wouldn't have…
To clarify, the original comment I responded to was about waiting until you reach 41 to start trying. The odds of conceiving in your 40's are based on science, not media hype. According to the CDC, for every 1000 women the birthrates by age are as follows:
Absolutely - there are wonderful exceptions. I just think that it's better if people have accurate information before they make plans. Unfortunately, a lot of celebrities and people with money have had high-profile pregnancies at 40+ years old. What you don't hear is that they usually are not using their own eggs, and…
In spite of the odds, I know it can happen. My best friend was 42 when she got married. 6 months later they decided to start trying to conceive - they got pregnant on the first try and now they have a beautiful 4 year old daughter. I wish you the best!
Actually, if she waits that long she'll likely be spending the money on an egg donor and invitro. By the time a woman reaches 40 she has so few viable eggs left that her chance of carrying a baby to full term is 20% per cycle. By 43, the percentage drops to nearly 0.
Thanks! I'm just too cynical about their intentions I think. They could have run an informative story that did some real help, but instead they ran a vague sort of Cliff's Notes version of someone else's story and a huge, terrible image to grab page views. Ugh.
I guess my real problem is that I'm cynical about Jezebel's intentions. Animal abuse is such a huge issue in this country. They could have easily run a more thought-provoking, informative piece, but instead they relied on a shocking graphic with relatively little information. It belittles the problem.
I've been here since since 2008. I've seen this blog go from a relevant source feminist news combined with some celebrity and sex pieces, to a money making machine for Gawker Media that prioritizes page-views over content. So save your sophomoric, mean-girl eye rolling gif for someone who gives a crap.
Maybe I'm being a baby, but WTF with posting this and the accompanying photo? How does it fall under the topics "celebrity, sex, fashion" or feminism, or politics? It doesn't. You couldn't even say it's relevant because it's in the news - unless Jezebel is a blog just for New Yorkers.
I think part of it has to do with the fact that in a lot of countries like the Ukraine, India, the Philippines etc, it's nearly impossible to adopt an infant. The average age of adopted children is 1-4 years old. This is due to regulations and to processing times.
I think incidents like the one in India really show the futility of labeling any one person as "evil" for committing a horrific act. Unless of course you're willing to concede that there are a whole lot of evil people in the world.
The very first thing I do when I sit down on an empty bus bench is to place my knee right at the outer edge of my half of the seat (but still fully within my area), and place my bag in my lap in a way that makes my elbow reach the half-way mark between the two seats. This is me defining my personal space. If a guy…