
I would say that the Hulk fight was more important for Bruce Banners arc than the main plot. It lead him onto the path he took in the end.

That said, Avengers: Age of Ultron is not quite as satisfying a film as the first Avengers, because it’s radically overstuffed. There are too many forced links to other properties, including Marvel’s TV shows and all the movies. Some characters pop up towards the end of the movie that I forgot were even in this film.

He was the dark parts of Tony Stark in a robot body. Ultron is a much better arch nemesis to Iron man than a Chinese stereotype with magic rings. I’m hoping post-Secret Wars Marvel follows suit.

I liked this much better than the first. it had more of what I wanted out of an Avengers film. Better action, more banter, stronger relationships, and tons of personality clashes. It was more like reading one of the comics than any Marvel film so far.

James Spader as Ultron was like every piece of snarky, insightful

They’ve been doing this every season. Merlyn was all about killing all the poor people. Slade was all about killing all the women. R’as is about killing all the gay characters.

“I suppose it’s because they thought they were fighting for Nyssa al Ghul’s life.” Whaaat

Seriously. I’d watch a show that was all about the women of Arrow. They definitely get more shit done.

A good point, but one that requires the retort used in my household every time a similar inquiry about a show or movie comes up:

I want to know if the League carries around braziers with them wherever they go so they can have the correct ambiance. Or maybe they already had decorated this random Starling City warehouse complete with convenient scaffolding for an archer perch. These are important questions in how the League runs their operations.

Again a mention of a “hive.” Clearly they’re going to be the big bad of season four and I can’t wait!

I wish i could know what Bruce has been going through but i can’t. As a cishet straight male, i had the benefit of having my body gender and the gender of my mind/heart/soul match up. No amount of empathy can make you feel what that is like. I couldn’t imagine what i must be like to go through life knowing that you

The Avengers just supports my thesis that Joss Whedon’s best work is when he is kept reined in. WHen he has total creative control, he overdoes a lot of stuff and flubs others. Often I wonder if the reason why Firefly is so loved is because it didn’t jump the shark in Seasn 3...

Love your work, Whedon, but you can’t kill everybody.

No, although I see how you may think that. It is the result of a lot of air travel, accompanied by a lot of travel-related nasty illnesses (which, as I noted, have now dropped off considerably).

Regardless of your opinion about their life choices, these “disgustingly overweight” people represent 69% of the American population, while your standard deviation (6’5 and taller) represents 1%. It’s business.

This wookiee... is from Star Wars Galaxies... I had a purple wookiee as an alt once.

I actually always heard that line as read with little-to-no regret, at least in the last instance. He's not trying to convince himself or us. It's not a question for him anymore. It's more of a realization. It's almost an announcement. "I think I can live with that."

Do goatees make people evil, or do evil people just prefer goatees?

It’s about time.