
Assume that all women deserve your respect and behave accordingly.

“I’m trying to push women to actually solve the problem instead of complaining.”

Your pain comes through every word of both this and your original piece. I’m sorry for your heartache and hope that you can continue to care for yourself and your family. Also, your sister is great to help you reclaim some space.

From the Pew study you cited:

Hi, Godwin!

I met Aidan Turner briefly at Boston Comic Con last year - he’s delightful even WITH his shirt on. (But more delightful without.)

Could you provide sources or data to back that statement up?


I grew up in a fairly conservative Roman Catholic household - my mom in particular was pretty uptight. Because her mom had died when my mom was very small, my mom was extremely concerned about being a good mom. I started puberty a little on the early side, and my mom explained to me that girls shaved their legs. I was

Great article. My love for slash fic in my fandoms is deep, but I can't abide fics that are about generic gay sexy times rather than true to the characters. It feels like objectification.

I just started watching True Blood (seriously, I've only seen the two season 5 episodes) and I love this great unholy mess with a fiery passion. In a way I don't even want to go back and watch the earlier episodes because understanding the back story would make it less entertaining. As for this review, I concur with