
I think this is a big part of the reason why TNG still doesn't feel that anachronistic, all these years later.

Just how I feel about people using “aerospace grade aluminum”...


I’d imagine Reed Richards, Tony Stark and Lex Luthor could probably all handle this themselves, so that narrows down the pool of possible posters by 3.

See, other than Peggy Carter herself, I remain ambivalent on Agent Carter. I wish they would just turn it into a female James Bond show with Howard Stark as her Q and Jarvis as her Money Penny.

For the scene at the end of Captain America 2, I seriously squee-ed with glee right in the middle of the theatre. People stared. I regret nothing.


I usually stay till the end of the credits if I liked the movie enough. It feels... right.

I remember the after-credit scene when they first found Thor's hammer. I stood up and shouted THOOOOOOOOOR! And then people looked weird at me.

You mentioned Nazi so I thought of these guys.

Lucifer from Reaper. He's fun to hang out with, charming, nice and generally not even a bad boss.

There was an episode less than a season ago where someone who helped the Winchesters was skinned alive by one of Crowley's henchmen after she helped Crowley and Dean.

They need to settle on his character so everything isn't so damn GREY in the world of Supernatural.

Siegfried from Get Smart

Anyone care to tell me how a lowly shepherd, can get instant medical care from an Alliance Cruiser and knows all the ins and outs of the underworld? If they had more seasons, I guarantee he was the criminal mastermind after all!

Cersai and Jaime Lannister

Name: Crowley (on Supernatural)

Theory on no shots fired - villain was white.