
I keep hoping to hear there are down for promoting hate speech.

Skeet skeet

I’ve long said we need to run this country like a business.

We have a grounder up he middle.

I like your shit, but I gotta say I was really looking forward to watching a tortoise jam out on some pumpkins.

Thank you. IlAs much as I like Bernie; he is very extreme. Albeit the warm and fuzzy kind. And you cannot base the ethos of an entire party around climate change. In a way they do act as a reminder to Dems. “Hay mayn, that’s nawt kewl, bro.” The leftist social DD.

Saving their hides all the way up the ladder to Paul Ryan.

Drew is like Phil Mooney for white people. Even they can’t stand him at first...but, the subtle abrasiveness grows and turns to uncomfortable joy.

Circus entertainment aside... Curt Schilling in on a business show?? I guess it’s true: none of us, is as dumb as all of us.

Like a, pale, shorter Wilt Chamberlain.

How much of a disservice has Gary Johnson done for legalized weed?

Slow. Clap.

Change will come, over several generations. It can, and will happen.

Jason Garrett is my porno dark horse.

When you give up the rights to your piss you give up the rights to do anything but stand at attention. Sad!

How much cooler would you be if you were named Nolan Hamilton? I know this cases you to lose sleep.

Crawford and Crisp can go on the later end of the list

Brownsian +1

Trump will either back out of scheduled debates, or pan for Gov. Johnson to participate in order to deflect some heat. These are his best options.