So fast he can melt steel beams.
So fast he can melt steel beams.
“And they came marching, two by two, across the gangplank, into the ark: the Glocks, the AKs, the Uzis, the AR-15s and the .45s, and so on: and He saw that they were good and righteous, and that they saw unto peace and only peace, Amen.” -LaPierre 13:20
“So I thought to myself: just what would old Rigby do were he in my knickers? Smoke his pipe and await help, I’d imagine. ‘Stiff upper lip and all that,’ I can see him now, the old chap. Well, as a child of the Blitz, I’ve seen worse than this, I can assure you, and it is a far, far greater thing I do now, than any of…
Great track, couldn’t look away from the silhouette animation. Loved the Berlin-ish minimal house vibe.
Plus at this point “family planning center” would just be derisively (and unfairly!) mocked as doublespeak by the William Kennedys of the world. But I hear ya
(dammit) Either way! What a line!
Hey not everything is instinctual, and the art of conversation is definitely “nurture” or learned. Especially these 140 character first person shooter days. I just hope the people who need to hear it don’t take it all overly personal. Ha, who am I kidding, they will and make the rest of us suffer. As has been the case…
So this is the butthurt MRA thread. Good luck!
Yes, but: “Poor George, born with a silver foot in his mouth.” What a line!
What?! No!
I'm super afraid I'm going to start rapping along in the theater, folks are going to turn around and just stare
I do like his shirt though very cool
Heh pizza-pizza good one
Ah, got it. I should read more.
Really. Got a chapter and verse? Sounds useful.
You’re a nobody if you don’t have enemies. Keep up the good fight.
Thanks for the introduction. Already don’t like him because whoa, first impressions
Attention spans: too beautiful to live, too dangerous to conservatism. Goodbye Susan and Bob. Adiós, Luis.