
Is this going to be a new series of scumbag rappers with fucking nonsensical names incriminating themselves?

Yeah, not saying there isn’t some valid criticism of her but it’s interesting that the brogressives(white males) hate her and kamala Harris. Funny that.

For all those getting annoyed with Sean Brody on this thread, there are two Sean Brodies commenting - one’s legit and one’s an imitator troll. Check which one and flag.

His “strategy” of being so awful and continuously saying awful things is working: I am exhausted. Just add it to the ever-growing pile that is so large it will eventually bury us all under a suffocating blanket of horribleness.

Republicans used to be the party that was ALL about eliminating the deficit.

Generalizing is never helpful, but also...

Exactly. It’s not like they’ll be paying for the deficit, so they literally do not care.

Seriously, any sane person who looks at a piece of legislation that, no matter what benefits it causes right now, will increase the deficit in ONE GODDAMN FUCK TRILLION AMERICAN DOLLARS, would burn it with fire and nuke it form orbit...

Depends on where you live? In DC you can absolutely be working poor, or impoverished on the same train with a millionaire. I grow up working class, to a mom who grew up in complete poverty and sent me to school with mostly affluent/middle class kids. This movie sounds like something I would love.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it here again: They don’t care because he’s promised to fight abortion and gay marriage and put Jesus on the flag and make that flag fly in every classroom where every student will have to salute it.

I grew up poor, yet attended a private school and was always getting money for activity fees, and this dialogue feels like a gut punch. I’ve since grown up and have done everything I could to let my parents (who are now much better off) know how much I appreciate them.

“He knows what it means to serve.”

I am sure there is a special place in hell for these women.

Moore will “bring a fleshlight of accountability to Washington, D.C.”

‘claiming that he’s leaving because of the “politicized atmosphere” that now exists on the show’s set’

And then there’s this:

Obviously it’s his fault and his shitty behavior caused this mess but they should end the show if he’s not involved. There’s no way it works without Maura. The rest of the family is integral (and Judith Light was always my favorite part) but her journey is the heart of the show. Maybe one season without Tambor is a

Russell Simmons is a shitburger. In my Rock History (easy A) class the other day, we were watching a film about the rise of hip-hop and in a segment discussing misogyny, Simmons is asked DIRECTLY about how videos treat women and he’s all “welllll I’m powerless, there’s nothing I can do!”

Penny Wong was all of us this morning.