
Diablo Cody too. Silver linings and all that.

I am so sorry that you are going through this.

Thank you. That was one of the strangest things I've ever read. I've never met anyone that I thought was capable of raping someone in a park. I'm very thankful for that.

Right after I posted I thought of Ann Rule for the alphabetical writer, but you are correct Sue Grafton. On the plus side we can add another woman to the list of serial killer writers.

Joy Fielding and that woman who titles her books alphabetically are all I can think of.

I read the review a few days ago on i09 and wondered the same thing. Crazy idea for a story but I'm not up to reading graphic murder descriptions.

That's a very interesting question. Biologically the question would be important possibly because some medicines interact different according to gender, but then for privacy issues how you identify would also be of importance.

I'm so sleepy this morning. Here's hoping that I can put my thoughts into words.

I hope so. Good health for everyone.

I think that Peru has a maximum sentence of 18 years??? Their prisons are more barbaric than ours but when you're a violent murdering sociopath like Joran you're at the top of the the food chain.

I hear that all the time but I don't understand the source of the rumor. He doesn't make vaguely homoerotic movies like Tom Cruise or Will Smith. He seems like a regular guy who speaks French in a Sex God kind of way.

Fun question!

Why does everyone think he's gay? I don't get that vibe at all.

I'm confused. You weren't making a joke? because I laughed very hard.

It's a good example of how our inhibitions lower when we drink says a commenter who thought it would be funny to flash everyone at a party one drunken night in college. Thankfully Pre-internet era.

It would be nice to live in a world where we could make a mistake without being sexually abused for our lack of "perfect" judgment. Same goes for the boys/men.

Thanks for making this comment so i didn't have too. That's exactly what I thought. She's beautiful. I absolutely love her.

Jezebel is just reporting on what's already out there.

I don't have an opinion on him one way or another because I don't know much about him beyond what I read in gossip occasionally. He sounds nuts in a caricature of an athlete way.