
As long as we are asking questions, is this just an American thing? Are women in Sweden or Italy shaving, waxing etc..?

I know what you mean. That's all we've been talking about which probably means we have a good life. I'm going to try to do the four a day but I don't trust myself at all.

I'm torn between watching them all in one day or four a day as suggested by Producer of the show.

She explains it in the post. The pictures are interesting so you know, all good.

The best thing about the internet? It's big and everyone can find a comfortable zone. Go forth and explore.

I think you're awesome.

You may have anemia.

I know that you know the answer to that. Money. Hoping she has a good accountant because her two career choices so far have expiration dates.

He also has a sweetness Farrah lacks.

I'm in my early forties and just discovered swearing. My whole life I found it crass, vulgar etc.. I was wrong. It's freeing and I love it.

Some people can turn it into an art form. See Chuck Wendig as an example.

I always thought it was because we needed that extra year or two of solitude.

Is it wrong to link certain characteristics to gender as a generalization? I don't mean in a way to repress people, more in the sense that woman are generally more nurturing and men are generally more aggressive? Some of it is just based on the different hormones being pumped into our bodies.

I think he's just straight up evil and not sociopathic. The letter expressed remorse, not that it changed his actions, but the feeling was there. It almost makes it more chilling if that were possible.

There's a whole world out there I know nothing about. Thank you!

Thank you! Her heterosexual reference was throwing me off.

"I'm a lesbian so I'm used to bisexual and hetereosexual women prolonging blueballs until they figure their shit out."

She's raising awareness helping woman reconsider the idea of their breast. There's a beautifully written comment about a woman who opted for a lumpectomy instead of a mastectomy up above and her reasoning behind it. I would link to it for you but I don't know how to do that with this new system.

Her being the first wasn't the point of her coming out with her story.

Why don't you have a name?