
Oh man, I really bought the whole package of Gen X in the early 90's. Read the Douglas Coupland book as soon it was released here in Sweden(which was not that long after the US-release,IIRC). Considering there was no internet back then, you really had to be "cutting edge" to even have some info about these things.

Yes, with some variation in wording this is the most common POV in an article/newswire about Ricky Gervais.
My predictive model is working!
I must contact some AI-tech company. I could make millions…..

I'll add the animated Ricky Gervais show to that list. I thought The Invention of Lying had an interesting premise, but the film was meh. Some of his talk show appearances are funny, but I guess if someone can't stand him and his schtick those can be a little much.
Otherwise I pretty much agree with you.

Haha, thank you. I'm just messing around with the meta-snark a little bit. I agree with some of the praise he gets and I agree with some of the criticism. It's no big deal.

You mean my predictive model is flawed?
It's only five years old, I'm sure it's not that outdated.
Conformity takes time to correct, hehe
Nah, I guess you're right. Fair point.
Sweden OUT again.

Yes, once you can predict how an internet comment section will look like, the arguments in broad strokes, the negatives, the positives, it's time to move on.
Sweden OUT.

Oh come on, you forgot to say that you want to punch him in the face because of his appearance and the way he laughs and you should also point out that he ALWAYS talks about atheism.
You know there's a formula to the snark, a fixed action pattern if you will.

From a macro-economic POV the chinese market really opened up in the early 90's. More free trade deals and less regulations and so on and so forth. This meant that hundreds of millions of people in that part of the world could go on to live better lives and rise from poverty.
Of course if you look at it in detail the

Kane Hodder was Jason Voorhees for fvck sake.
Only in parts 7-10, but still.
I have defended the IMDB-algorithm in the past, but now we're enemies for no rational reason whatsoever.

Hopefully an actual line in the movie:

"She's got Marlas legs"
He can see that in a baby?
A baby also has tiny hands.
OK, the story checks out.
You win this round Trump, you win this round.

I saw this in a dailymail comment just now.
Gives new meaning to the expression to "sh*t a brick"

I'm not so sure he actually learned something. It could just have been that his PR-people told him that this would hurt his personal brand and the Tribeca film festival brand. That is usually the only language celebrities truly can take to heart in their little bubbles.

Yes, I've done variations of this list approach for a long time. It works. I get sh*t done.
I can add that making lists on your desktop/laptop/mobile creates a certain distance to the tasks. Instead I use a pen and paper and that makes you more connected to the tasks, which helps.
I think there are actual neuroscience

I'm with you on Daryl, because my guess is that they would lose a lot of viewers if they kill him off.
Sometimes people forget that Walking Dead is big business.

Oh, the competition is much more fierce than that.
We ALL want to sleep with your mom.

The full quote is:
"While most of the talk in the industry today suggests that having your show talked about and critically well-received is more important than Nielsen numbers"
Is that the industry of reviewing TV-series and reading Twitter, perhaps?
Pretty sure if I were the one to pay, you know actual $, for TBBT to

Good. This comment works across borders.

I like your last paragraph about change/progress in the legal system. Frustrating as it is, a severe overhaul is usually not practically possible in a society. It's all about the incremental changes, I think.
The incremental changes doesn't include getting stuck in an internet comment section about hypothetical