
Seems fair. In my original comment I created an either/or situation. Not a fan of those, since it's usually much more complicated than that IRL.
The only disagreement I had was with myself;)
Carry on.

I think some people carelessly call themselves atheists(my self included), but the intellectual honest thing to do is call yourself an agnostic.
And for the skeptics that take this seriously, they are all aware that the scientific method doesn't allow you to prove a negative.
The sentence:
You can NOT prove that a God

As a satanist I find this article offensive.
I want more Bathory and Gorgoroth on this site.
(The sincerity of this comment can be questioned)

The Stride Awakens!

98$ hourly in Santa stride mothers workshop?
I don't think so young lady.

As a Merry Christmas to all AV Clubbers I donated money and planted a tree somewhere.
Let's say…uhm…Bulgaria.

Jimmy Cagney & Lacey Chabert

Emerson, Lake & Palmer.



Tuesday November 8, 2016.

You gotta presume what the readers are thinking that you're thinking. It's all very complicated.

Ah, you entered the golden age of Simpsons for the first time!
I'm jealous.
Imho season 3-9 are the best.(message to other commenters here, don't start that argument again, haha)
I used to have this little weird theory some years ago that the newer eps were equally good and that it was all just nostalgia playing a prank

You will ride eternal, shiny with Chrome
(Or Edge or Safari or Firefox, whatever, man)

Yup. Couldn't have said it better myself.
(well, maybe in swedish)
God Jul och Gott Nytt År!!

Stupid Git

Hehe, so you missed the editorial signed by 487 freelancers, then?

"I long for the days when we white men had ALL the power, instead of just most of it."
(it's a butchered American Dad quote, don't remember exactly how it goes)

Setting aside the privacy issues for just a moment, there are alot of opportunities to do some actual research in collecting data on the internet.
Of course we are all aware of the problems with small sample sizes.
There can, to be fair, also be problems with bigger sample sizes. It's harder to get a detailed analysis

I've only scratched the surface on this, so not gonna have long arguments here.
But in support to your comment feel free to watch this talk by Robert Reich.
Saving capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few.