
America was already great, you twit. Quit acting like you Trump voters care about minority, black, or womens issues. You are fooling *no one*.

Yeah. Boo, and shame on the media for playing tape of the man you voted for, without prompting, saying racist, bigoted, sexist, hate-filled, xenophobic things. Totally the media’s fault.

GTFO - the blood is on your hands.

Hi! Go fuck yourself!!

It’s usually not chaos like her coming to power. People generally know who is going to come into power depending on which party gets the majority and can vote with that at least partly in mind. All major parties (and May herself) were anti-Brexit and Cameron blew it by calling for a vote on it. Once it went through

In general elections you are correct, but at that level you’re effectively voting for who is the next Prime Minister.

It depends on how you look at it. How much should the people of California be expected to sacrifice? I mean, imagine the things they could do if they were their own country and were able to have its own monetary policy. Maybe it could, I dunno, join the rest of the civilized world in a saner healthcare system? Would

Really, the good thing, and possibly the only good thing, about the length of American elections is that by now, opinions have pretty much crystallized (and Clinton’s lead is such that undecideds-if they even vote-can break heavily for Trump and still not give him the election). If the polling aggregates are to be

Right, that is the main concern. Not the assholes shooting up the joint.

“I’m gonna save my best pitcher for tomorrow, even though this is an elimination game and there will be no tomorrow if we don’t win. No not even one inning. Flawless strategery!”

He just can’t believe that a woman has more energy and stamina than he does.

It seems like only yesterday that a rich, lazy, entitled white drunk failed his way into the presidency.

The Bush Family: A legacy of failing upward for 150 years.

Yes, surely there’s some kind of morality clause he’s violated

10 mil is nothing for them to be rid of him quickly and cleanly. Maybe after this painful episode they’ll give more thought to the next person they get to fill the musical chairs at Today.

Trump will next criticize Clinton’s ill-fitting suits, her inexplicably orange skin, her tendency to loom over people, and her terrible comb-over. “I hear she just reaches out and grabs people by the pussy, is what I hear” reports Trump.

When I lived in the burbs, I always turned my lights off at 9 pm. Past then, most of the kids have been taken home by their parents. So it’s either unaccompanied teens or creepy childless adults who I guess were too lame to be invited to a Halloween party?

It’s so weird that teams are still struggling to do things talked about in Money ball 14 years later.I get that part of it may be pressure from traditionalists and some might even be from agents telling teams their guys might become unhappy and cause locker room issues if they don’t get used the way they want but is

Shouldn’t the day of the week that Halloween falls on (if local schools do not give the day after off) also be a factor, as should the time you stop handing out candy.

If you want really stinky farts, get a dog. My parent’s cocker spaniel lets out silent weapons of mass destruction that cold kill a forest.