
Yes but we’ve already long since resigned ourselves to accepting that 45 % of Americans are idiots - and to be fair to our American friends, there are probably not that many fewer idiots at our end of the pond, given Brexit and other shenanigans in recent years.

They can’t report on everything that is happening in the world!!

Of course not. Because you’re a troll.

Last I checked, Lochte was not an accused rapist. So the comparison is a bit beyond the pale.

Yeah really. I mean, I’m not going to deny that there was a serious element of white male privilege in his media makeover, but I’ll list the reasons why I don’t give a shit:

I think PA is actually pretty solid based on recent polling. We can even lose PA and still win, but I’d prefer to win it.

Every time I feel confident Hillary will win, I remind myself that Penn State fans will be electing the next president.

Yeah, he seems to think that he has the power to change the narrative and get people talking about Bill Clinton, but his stupid antics aren’t working anymore.

Everyone thought you finally came to your senses when you elected these guys after eight years of Pinky and Brain running the country.

Trump will be playing dirty, but he’s not smart or disciplined enough to really go toe to toe for the full debate.

All signs point to Trump going for the time-honored “blame the bitch” gambit. I’m not sure that’s going to help him with white women...

This debate is going to be epic....

A friend of mind swears that he lives in his building a couple blocks from Zabar’s on the Upper West Side and that he’s seen him on the elevator. I’m not sure if I believe him, but I wouldn’t try to track him down even if it were true. I don’t even want to know anything about him. I like that he’s the antithesis of,

Roxane Gay said it really well on Twitter today: You are entitled to be curious. You are not entitled to the satisfaction of your curiosity.

I agree. The entire article seems a lot less interested in literature than in revealing Ferrante’s Jewish background (while suggesting there’s something wrong with her “passing” as a normal Italian woman). Of course, “exposing” Jews in the media is a favorite pastime of antisemites to this day.

There is a weird undercurrent of xenophobia and anti-Semitism in this unveiling of Elena Ferrante’s identity. As if the author’s mother being German Jewish disqualifies her from being Italian or writing about Italian characters.

I don’t know whether this has anything to do with the fact that Ferrante is (and was assumed) to be a woman, but I’d wager this has everything to do with Gatti being a man.

I really hate this idea that supporting an individual’s work entitles you to access into their identity and private lives, or that being successful means that a person owes the world at large information about themselves.

I have a friend who knows Thomas Pynchon. He wouldn’t give up what he knows about Pynchon for anything. I value that kind of...honor? Respect? I don’t know what to call it, but I value it.