
Because the creeps who do the hacks want the female photos.

I don’t think it made a difference, but it’s stupid of Brazile to deny it.

Yup, the only reason anyone could want to live on SI is racism. And transit’s not a big deal if you drive. I know people from SI who live there and work in Jersey, or work elsewhere on the island, or in non-Manhattan parts of the city. There are plenty of bigots, but that’s not every single person.

New Jersey is a fine state, we sure don’t want SI.

A fetus isn’t a human?

I think generally it should be more affordable to make bail. So I would rather everyone get low bail like this woman than unaffordably high bail like a lot of people of color get. I don’t think the solution to racial inequities is throwing the book at everyone - more like everyone should get treated as well as white

When you go from talking about a racist ass in NYC to The Black Lives Matter movement and then some how White Southerners are thrown in. That is not “the truth”. That is divisive rhetoric.
I am not happy with what that women did but keep it in NYC dont drag others into it. They only recently got rid of their very

for some reason

And that’s wrong, and shouldn’t be the case. Bail is ridiculously high in many places in this country. I’m not saying her bail wasn’t lower than average or anything like that. I’m saying her bail was appropriately low given her flight risk, and high bail in other cases is a problem that should be fixed, not

I agree, if she were black, she’d have a really high bail. That doesn’t mean her bail should have been higher— it means black people’s bail should be lower.

What does that do with how likely she is to show up for her court date? The point of bail isn’t to make statements about how bad the alleged crime is.

Yeah we get some special ones.

I don’t carry much with me...


I had an ‘04 Mini Cooper (British Racing Green ftw!) and had a timing belt issue around ‘07 - wasn’t related to the class action, nowhere near as serious as that. That was the only issue though (“other than that, Mrs. Lincoln...”). I got rid of it around ‘08 because I moved from Florida to New York City and didn’t

Are Minis REALLY that bad? Come on, BMW and all but second gen cars can’t be that bad, right, right?

Yeah I mean, the general public needs to get the fuck over this. This is the silliest thing to stay worked up about, IMO. The actors/people involved in La la land and moonlight have a right to still be upset, even the organizers of the Oscars. And the accounting firm who staffed the event. But the general public? No.

Thank you. This whole planet is fucking insane.

Can you imagine being the sort of person who wakes up in the morning and decides that your activity for the day will be track down and post online identifying information of some accountants who fucked up a stupid awards show? With the intention that someone will harm or at least threaten these accountants? Again, not

I worship Isabelle Huppert. Those People questions are a cringeworthy attempt to reduce interviewees to cozy/cuddly/homey/oafish “regular folk.”