I got Harambe.
I got Harambe.
You said it better than I could. Just want to second your comment in its entirety. And as a Miami native, he was part of the reason I finally got interested in (professional) Miami sports again.
Yeah, I swear anyone who is against any form of ordinances, zoning rules, even HOAs (which can go overboard) are people who have never actually owned a home near another person.
I had a friend who moved to Texas from the northeast. On the whole, I think he enjoys Texas (well, once he moved from the boring shithole that is Dallas to Austin), but he’s been bitching about the zoning stuff for years. No zoning laws is one of those things that sounds cool if you’re a teenage libertarian, but…
Alright guys and gals, how many of you people took the Pottermore Patronus test this week? I, in a real life version of ‘oh my god my parents were right’, found the whole thing to be an exercise in “be careful what you wish for”. As in, there’s no way a quiz that never asks the same questions could ever give you…
Is there any point in upgrading from El Capitan if I have an Early 2011 MBP? It seems like most of the cool new features aren’t really available to me.