King Slag

Came here to say the same - laughable journalistic standards in place these days at Jalopnik.

I am going to assume that if he had bought an F150, that yes he may have been in the same situation and he would have sold it. The difference is that Ford is not going to fine him for doing so

That would generate fewer comments.

LOL! You think Tesla would allow that??

I would imagine that they would be a little more accommodating to take the vehicle back, though that’s because they know that they wouldn’t have much trouble selling it again.

Look I mean the cybertruck is big, but I suspect not bigger, or that much bigger than other full sized truck, so it’s likely that these parking spots are too small for any full sized truck.

Do Do It In The Right Context.

For fuck’s sake, proofread your headline.

You’ve got to stop letting AI write your headlines

How can anyone justify this treatment? How can people continue to make excuses for such an objectively flawed and compromised vehicle?

Imagine if Tesla survives the recall & destruction of the Cyber Trash Mobile and post Musk, drops the Full Self Crashing scam, focuses on updating their cars so you don’t need to use a touch screen in the middle of the car to set the climate controls. Furthermore by making a deal with Recarro for better seats, and

Because the board have drunk the cool-aid. So much so, they recently made a video begging the shareholders to approve paying Musk the 53 billion.

He’s a bit late to the AI hype train. Its already starting to show signs of collapse.

That’s the part I really don’t understand in all of this; and it truly reveals that the Tesla board isn’t acting in the best interest of shareholders.  

He’s not playing four-dimensional chess, but I think that there is some reasoning behind his demands:

How can a company senior officer make open threats against the company and still hold their job??

FUN FACT: “Everybody knows what’s going on in this country with fentanyl and child trafficking and rape” came in a close second when Trump was choosing campaign slogans, but EKWGOITCWF&CT&R didn’t look good on a hat.

Please remember to tip and give your trafficker a 5 star rating if you were pleased with your experience.

“And everybody knows what’s going on in this country with fentanyl and child trafficking and rape. Terrible stuff.””

Ah yes, those child traffickers who famously return children to their homes safely.