King Slag

Trucks have frames. This is an electric ute.

What CT owners think they look like: GIF of war veteran being saluted at while they walk into an Applebee’s.

“...caution against ever washing the truck in direct sunlight,...”

Probably their cameras malfunctioning if they’re wet and in sunlight. Bodes well for their FSD based on cameras only. Hit a puddle in sunshine? Take over immediately, as the car is about to crash.

I think its to save the Tesla owner the embarrassment of being seen outside with a Tesla.

What the actual F?

The Cybertruck’s owners manual does caution against ever washing the truck in direct sunlight, and there is a section expressly mentioning that the truck has to be switched into “Car Wash Mode” before washing to avoid damage to parts of the vehicle.”

On what planet is this even reasonable for a TRUCK?

At this point, buying one seems like a self own. Like kicking yourself in the nuts seems easier. 

What’s the “dont wash in sunlight” shit all about?  Must one go sudsy only during an eclipse?  Only at 1AM?  

You can’t charge it after midnight either.

Doesn’t explain the “warranty void” and the water ingress.

You can’t get it wet? I’m sure this has been said before but is it a gremlin?

Sheesh! You have to put it in a special mode for it to cope with a fucking car wash? And if not, warranty is voided! What a fucking shitshow of a design and company.

It’s Kotaku, we should be lucky they even played the game lmao.

That’s a lot of wasted words just to tell everyone you’re a cunt.

Burning the American Flag as a means of protest is protected speech. Yet, not when it comes to questioning COVID, transgenderism or climate change I suppose.

I believe it is wise to coax billionaires who are losing it, to waste their money on every foolish venture they can be convinced to. I am willing to pretend to be a right wing idiot to keep encouraging him with these dumbshit moves.

This is one of the easiest ways to make them lose their incredibly wasteful collection

I’m completely in support of this move; watching Musk find fresh, dumb ways to burn money is a newfound hobby of mine.

I guess it's only self-defense if you're white and use a gun.

Was gonna say basically this. I get that her saying “[b]ut it doesn’t take away from the fact that a crime was committed[,]” is part of saving herself, but it's fucked she has to go on record to say this. To my eyes, no crime was committed here.

My stomach is in knots.