
I missed the "clunky exposition" in Nevada or bumfuck-wherever. Was there some plot? I thought the episode was just setups for jokes.

They created a place where they could all be together in the afterlife. They have been reincarnated as white carrier pigeons.

I love that it left Marnie presumably taking a load off in the bathroom while the other girls made up and celebrated. Perhaps it signifies she is becoming less anal.


Also, seeing Madeline wandering around pantsless brought some humor to a mostly terrifying episode.

Kelly Conway, in the microwave, with Putin.

Agreed. I haven't read the book, but thought they did hint she was familiar with abusive relationships by having her be so concerned and fixated on Celeste after briefly glancing what could have been seen as a minor tiff.

Thanks for pointing out this was written by a Broad City writer, Tami Sagher, as the thing I most noticed was this was a return to funny. Everything about White Men Can't Jump, the whole pawn shop interaction, and Gil's overordering of pizza and complaining about yet playing cereal box games made me laugh.

Elijah is great, but so is "Only Bad people come in here… Dentists who lost their license because of sexual assault charges"

Agreed!! So Madeline!
Also, I'm a bit confused by those who think this plot is completely ridiculous, or Bonnie and dad coming around is absurd. The Wolf Blitzer line shows her project is not to literally auction her virginity, just to concern troll the public into caring about real sex trafficking, because they'll

Yes, the showrunners should remember, as exemplified by Lost, that you can ruin an entire series by a bad final episode.

The funny thing is that before the bag "ban" (which is really a mandatory charge for any disposable bag) most grocery stores gave you a 10-25¢ credit for bringing your own bag, but few did so. Once it became an equivalent charge for not bringing your own bag, most do so. Human psychology is stupid.

No, that's ridiculous. I thought they'd bring in a string of randos to sex her, as was shown in their training montages.

Pert Plus, they're travel agency to nowhere is doing very well, thank you very much.

That's what I'm seeing.

Watching the scene where they gave Cricket lemons instead of money like that was the norm for their transactions made my night. Especially when (allegedly) New Cricket refused and demanded money, got nowhere, and of course took the lemons.

He looked so professional in his Members Only jacket


Guest starring Matthew Rhys as Throatpiercer.